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Novice WeChat consult conceptual problems, thank you.


Dear WeChat masters, the younger brother just contact WeChat, consult,
My web page is WeChat had nothing to do with ordinary web pages, of course, use WeChat browser can access,
Recently, need to use a function, such as hide status bar and check the baidu, you can call
Document. The addEventListener (' WeixinJSBridgeReady 'function onBridgeReady () {
But, I tried it on, there is no effect,
Consult, had nothing to do with WeChat interface web pages, just want to in WeChat browser to access,
If you want to call interface in the web page, such as WeixinJSBridgeReady, must go WeChat developers all process, such as: apply for subscription number, the website domain name for the record, and what the SSL certificate application,
Masters, you have to put these things all finished, can we really use these interfaces such as WeixinJSBridgeReady ah, thank you.
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