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Based on the Qt software architecture design and performance optimization


My unit will be held on June 21-22, 2021, a period based on the Qt software architecture design and performance optimization of training, there are need to train students to email consultation training content in detail, email, please indicate the name, telephone, units,
Email address: [email protected]

Training benefits:
1, in combination with the actual case in-depth Qt cross-platform application development framework of the most classic design patterns, and discusses how these design idea into the actual system architecture design,
2, learn how to optimization of Qt application performance, from data processing, communication, cause the program interface rendering multiple dimensions, such as analysis of the main causes of performance degradation, targeted solutions, combined with the practical application in the field of military industry scene, discussion and sharing of data visualization application software performance optimization techniques,
3, learn how to develop good human-computer interaction interface, beautification, including control based on touch screen interaction experience and so on,
4, learn how to on the embedded system development, debugging Qt application software,
5, through case analysis, to explore in the military industry how to implement the configuration on the basis of the Qt software development mode, namely, how to build a UI and business system highly coupled solution, and friendly to the designer of the display control software development platform,
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  • Qt
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