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Several views about QT, garbage at a B!


By using QT to do some demo these days, found that QT is a worse a b.
1, the view about QTableView pass of agent and so on, so no one can speak to understand, we are doing a little demo went to throw on the net, and more sadly "QT5 development and instance" and "Qt5.9 c + + development guide" speaks about this, is this the same book?
2, saw a small Demo, on QTCN said what compensation also provide the source code for horses,
3, QTableWidget is used to implement a list, I want to ask which brain-dead design, since the chosen can well why can't a hovering control?
4, QTreeWidget is used to implement a list to add 1000 rows of data, to about 20 seconds, the performance could be more slowly? I7 8 g, SSD!
5, QT one small problem as long as the basic no search will give a true answer is that half a bucket of water and 80% of sites are the same reproduced!

CodePudding user response:

1: have experience greatly, form the agent is also on the Internet before I see a mess, didn't understand until now, there are these two books, actually can throw out, too bad, I also bought, summarize the content of the inside is the Qt things complicated, you want to learn Qt, official documentation & gt; Independent thinking & gt; Network resources & gt; Access to the source code

2: there isn't much that, after all, whose time is not cheap, who is not willing to spend their time to help others

4: you should say is a QTableWidget? I used a few times this control, obviously the control load is very large, every table element is actually a window, one thousand rows of data is thousands of window at the same time, you can BuKa? 20 s one of the good, this is not a Qt pot, if you only need a simple display form, can use drawing events to draw out a form, the chart and Qt also have special libraries,

3, if there is no reserve the Qt interface, you can fully realize the form is a scroll bar panel + grid layout

5, do as you say, is not only a Qt has such problem, the whole country, but there were also some serious people, for example, Qt version is: https://me.csdn.net/column/u011012932
I read his blog articles, is good, maybe you can find what you want

CodePudding user response:

In addition to control such as the LineEdit to implement more troublesome, other controls I tend to be inherited from QWidget himself, in fact, a lot of things from the source will be much simpler, QWidget is a very easy to learn and many controls are inherited from QWidget, if I know what you want, of course is to realize it is easier to control yourself, just made wheels does have some trouble
The following control besides the LineEdit and ComboBox, the rest are basically made by QWidget + event processing, such as the UI, color control and fine-tune controls

CodePudding user response:

There are three control with three parties control, without a word he make the wheels,

CodePudding user response:

While this question, I want to say, in fact, a lot of people do not ask questions, there is no meaning, especially the building is the whole environment in this way,
Perhaps is afraid of problems too sexually explicit, is low, maybe don't want to state the problem, because may involve property, but a problem can be properly abstracting, itself is the ability of the questioner, when I was a student, the teacher said, take a look at a student asked problems knew that his master,

Post a link to the X - Y Problem, by the way, https://coolshell.cn/articles/10804.html

Stick a CSDN real example again, in the end he did not tell his final question
How to use the code implementation enumerates all the combination of the characters? https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/397055105#post-412044160

Get to the point, detailed information about the Model/View and its design concept and the relationship between and XXXWidget, Qt's official help, and also has a lot on the Qt own examples,

Example QT_DIR \ SRC \ qtbase \ examples, widgets, itemviews
The official documentation https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/model-view-programming.html

The building Lord suddenly come up so many questions, the ego thought, should be a solid foundation, first look at the document, from scratch, rather than ask easily, even if answers might because of their limited but cannot fully control problem, the original poster can be a engaged in C/C + + programmer for many years, but Qt is a new field, and Qt code number easily crush GCC compiler code number, they are not on an order of magnitude,

CodePudding user response:

refer to the second floor Italink response:
in addition to control such as the LineEdit to implement more troublesome, other controls I tend to be inherited from QWidget himself, in fact, a lot of things from the source will be much simpler, QWidget is a very easy to learn and many controls are inherited from QWidget, if I know what you want, and, of course, is to realize it is easier to control, merely made wheels does have some trouble
The following control besides the LineEdit and ComboBox, the rest are basically made by QWidget + event processing, such as the UI, color control and fine-tune controls

Can write such qt, big hello

CodePudding user response:

Add 1000 data efficiency is too low? Before adding data should be setUpdatesEnabled (false) stop redraw setting form, after adding to setUpdatesEnabled (true) allowed to redraw setting form, or each set a cell will redraw the entire form, total want to trigger 1000 * redraw the column time signal, low efficiency can not?

Hover the mouse? Qt how can you know what the user demand and Qt provides a broad space for extensible, allows users to customize to implement many advanced features, you need it to provide a standard class only provides basic common functions, are generally not click trigger selected, hovering selected is unconventional operations,

CodePudding user response:

Incredibly dext webmaster also so kindly reply, the nu spray can see out of the building Lord not he is not familiar with and understand Qt but his whole code level is very low, don't even know the MVC design pattern or meaning spray can't read QTableView, QStandard Item Model. A good first to go and read more books and watch more design patterns, OOP, have energy to learn Java is pure object-oriented, look for springmvc is how to realize the MVC, springframework to know know, look at the IOC and DI

CodePudding user response:

Feel or to write a book people didn't understand Qt code, the more I learn Qt mainly started with examples, and then look at the laowai Qt4,
Qt5, if not dedicated to QML but speak CPP, just don't see the, Qt this thing do tabview, not much advantage, overall slant in the middle at the bottom of the location, too much stronger than the MFC, much worse than c # DXExpress,

CodePudding user response:

Qt classic features sorting

Title: Sql, concise and flexible access abstraction, very good! Concise and flexible often contradictory, but she did it!!!!!! Easing the bit in all sorts of other things,

Runner-up: IODevice abstraction, a serial port multimedia file Network an interface that is awesome, related module Network, Serialport, etc., concise and flexible often contradictory, both of the advantages and disadvantages, but the basic balance

Third: signals and slots concurrent, combined with implicit sharing support complex arguments, the most effective tools for concurrent programming,

There's a lot of features, but I think it is a fancy GUI is not his forte, QtCharts than web effect is good, DataVis, 3 d, and all kinds of high requirement to the machine, than webgl can't see the absolute advantage,

CodePudding user response:

Control aspect I still like to make the wheels some controls to compatible function actually performance do not how drops,

CodePudding user response:

In fact, in the final analysis, is how much do you know about Qt is not enough, you say all these things can be achieved,

Some problems we have experienced, and later also found that they are for my own use wrong, have a good solution,

Thousands of tens of thousands of lines such as QTableView data is slow, I remember at the beginning is a custom model, with a deque saving data, solves the,

# 6 building estimates are right, but at the time I don't know what he said

CodePudding user response:

reference 6 floor spark response: 20180731
add 1000 data efficiency is too low? Before adding data should be setUpdatesEnabled (false) stop redraw setting form, after adding to setUpdatesEnabled (true) allowed to redraw setting form, or each set a cell will redraw the entire form, total want to trigger 1000 * redraw the column time signal, low efficiency can not?

Hover the mouse? Qt how can you know what the user demand and Qt provides a broad space for extensible, allows users to customize to implement many advanced features, you need it to provide a standard class only provides basic common functions, are generally not click trigger selected, hovering selected is unconventional operations,
yes, pyqt5 mouse-over highly fashionable color change is there any way

CodePudding user response:

Had to see the help documents, as well as baidu, code practice to understand

CodePudding user response:

No matter what software, it is a tool, some habits, some not accustomed to, now I also love VS, ha, ha, ha, I didn't use QT did what big project, feeling for the moment, QT or stick the dalai

CodePudding user response:

Thank you very good studynullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnull
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