Home > Mobile >  Attempt to invoke virtual method 'int android. The Display. The getDisplayId ()'
Attempt to invoke virtual method 'int android. The Display. The getDisplayId ()'


0 deffounderror: Failed resolution of: $OnUnhandledKeyEventListener Landroid/view/view;
102-18 09:24:29. 089 28509 28509 I art: at android. The ViewGroup android. Support. V7. App. AppCompatDelegateImpl. CreateSubDecor () (637) AppCompatDelegateImpl. Java:
202-18 09:24:29. 089 28509 28509 I art: the at void. Android support. V7. App. AppCompatDelegateImpl. EnsureSubDecor () (518) AppCompatDelegateImpl. Java:
302-18 09:24:29. 089 28509 28509 I art: the at void. Android support. V7. App. AppCompatDelegateImpl. The setContentView (int) (466) AppCompatDelegateImpl. Java:
402-18 09:24:29. 089 28509 28509 I art: the at void. Android support. V7. App. AppCompatActivity. The setContentView (int) (140) AppCompatActivity. Java:
502-18 09:24:29. 089 28509 28509 I art: the at void com. Zoomlion. Carmgt. Base. BaseActivity. OnCreate (android. OS. Bundle) (BaseActivity. Java: 59)
602-18 09:24:29. 089 28509 28509 I art: the at void com. Zoomlion. Carmgt. Base. BaseMvpActivity. OnCreate (android. OS. Bundle) (BaseMvpActivity. Java: 21)
702-18 09:24:29. 089 28509 28509 I art: the at void. Android app. Activity. PerformCreate (android. OS. Bundle) (6848) Activity. Java:
802-18 09:24:29. 089 28509 28509 I art: the at void. Android app. Instrumentation. CallActivityOnCreate (. Android app. The Activity, the android OS. The Bundle) (1119) Instrumentation. Java:
902-18 09:24:29. 089 28509 28509 I art: the at android. The app, the Activity of the android. App. ActivityThread. PerformLaunchActivity (android. App. ActivityThread $ActivityClientRecord, android. The content. Intent) (2697) ActivityThread. Java:
1002-18 09:24:29. 089 28509 28509 I art: the at void. Android app. ActivityThread. HandleLaunchActivity (android. App. ActivityThread $ActivityClientRecord, android. The content. Intent, Java, lang, String) (2805) ActivityThread. Java:
1102-18 09:24:29. 089 28509 28509 I art: the at void. Android app. ActivityThread. - wrap12 (android. App. ActivityThread, android. App. ActivityThread $ActivityClientRecord, android. The content. Intent, Java, lang, String) (ActivityThread. Java: 1)
1202-18 09:24:29. 089 28509 28509 I art: the at void. Android app. ActivityThread $H.h andleMessage android. OS. (the Message) (1538) ActivityThread. Java:
1302-18 09:24:29. 089 28509 28509 I art: the at void. Android OS. Handler. DispatchMessage (android. OS. Message) (102) Handler. Java:
1402-18 09:24:29. 089 28509 28509 I art: the at void. Android OS. Stars. The loop () (165). Which Java:
1502-18 09:24:29. 089 28509 28509 I art: the at void. Android app. ActivityThread. Main (Java. Lang. String []) (6354) ActivityThread. Java:
1602-18 09:24:29. 089 28509 28509 I art: at Java. Lang. Object Java. Lang. Reflect. Method. Invoke! (java.lang.object, Java. Lang. Object []) Method. The Java: - 2)
1702-18 09:24:29. 089 28509 28509 I art: at void com. Android. Internal. OS. $MethodAndArgsCaller ZygoteInit. The run () (ZygoteInit. Java: 883)
1802-18 09:24:29. 089 28509 28509 I art: the at void com. Android. Internal. OS. ZygoteInit. Main (Java. Lang. String []) (ZygoteInit. Java: 773)
1902-18 09:24:29. 089 28509 28509 I art: under Caused by: Java. Lang. ClassNotFoundException: Didn 't find the class "android. View. The view $OnUnhandledKeyEventListener" on the path: DexPathList [[zip file "/data/app/com. Zoomlion. Carmgt - 1/base. Apk"], nativeLibraryDirectories=[/data/app/com. Zoomlion. Carmgt - 1/lib/arm/data/app/com. Zoomlion. Carmgt - 1/base. Apk!/lib/armeabi - v7a,/system/lib/vendor/lib]]
2002-18 09:24:29. 089 28509 28509 I art: at Java. Lang. Class dalvik. System. BaseDexClassLoader. FindClass (Java. Lang. String) (BaseDexClassLoader. Java: 56)
2102-18 09:24:29. 089 28509 28509 I art: at Java. Lang. Class. Java lang. This. LoadClass (Java. Lang. String, Boolean) (380). This Java:
2202-18 09:24:29. 089 28509 28509 I art: at Java. Lang. Class. Java lang. This. LoadClass (Java. Lang. String) (312). This Java:
2302-18 09:24:29. 089 28509 28509 I art: at android. The ViewGroup android. Support. V7. App. AppCompatDelegateImpl. CreateSubDecor () (637) AppCompatDelegateImpl. Java:
2402-18 09:24:29. 089 28509 28509 I art: the at void. Android support. V7. App. AppCompatDelegateImpl. EnsureSubDecor () (518) AppCompatDelegateImpl. Java:
2502-18 09:24:29. 089 28509 28509 I art: the at void. Android support. V7. App. AppCompatDelegateImpl. The setContentView (int) (466) AppCompatDelegateImpl. Java:
2602-18 09:24:29. 089 28509 28509 I art: the at void. Android support. V7. App. AppCompatActivity. The setContentView (int) (140) AppCompatActivity. Java:
2702-18 09:24:29. 089 28509 28509 I art: the at void com. Zoomlion. Carmgt. Base. BaseActivity. OnCreate (android. OS. Bundle) (BaseActivity. Java: 59)
2802-18 09:24:29. 089 28509 28509 I art: the at void com. Zoomlion. Carmgt. Base. BaseMvpActivity. OnCreate (android. OS. Bundle) (BaseMvpActivity. Java: 21)
2902-18 09:24:29. 089 28509 28509 I art: the at void. Android app. Activity. PerformCreate (android. OS. Bundle) (6848) Activity. Java:
3002-18 09:24:29. 089 28509 28509 I art: the at void. Android app. Instrumentation. CallActivityOnCreate (. Android app. The Activity, the android OS. The Bundle) (1119) Instrumentation. Java:
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