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Use typescript to force objects in array to have same fields for all indexes in array


I have run into a scenario where I would like the following type-enforcement:

I want the type MyArrayType to be an array of objects. The fields in the objects must be identical for each object-index in the array, but the 'catch' is that I do not know the fields beforehand. I would like them to be 'inferred'.

Here is an example of how the typing would work:

const myArrayType: MyArrayType = [{ foo: 2 }, { foo: 1 }]                   // this will work

const myArrayType: MyArrayType = [{ foo: 2 }, { bar: 1 }]                   // this will fail

const myArrayType: MyArrayType = [{ bar: 2 }, { bar: 1 }]                   // this will work

const myArrayType: MyArrayType = [{ anyFieldName: 2 }, { anyFieldName: 1 }] // this will work

const myArrayType: MyArrayType = [{ bar: 2, foo: 1 }, { bar: 1, foo: 2  }]  // this will work

const myArrayType: MyArrayType = [{ bar: 2, foo: 1 }, { bar: 1 }]           // this will fail

The following should also fail:

const myArrayType: MyArrayType = [1,2,3].map((number) => {
  if (number === 2) {
    return {
      foo: 1
      bar: 2
  return {
    bar: 2

And this should work:

const myArrayType: MyArrayType = [1,2,3].map((number) => {      
  return {
    foo: 1
    bar: 2

Is this possible to achieve with typescript as of 2021?

Additional constraints:

  • Compile-time checking. Runtime checking is useful but not required.
  • Wrapper functions and helpers are OK.
  • Ideally, the function applies excess property checking as well, throwing errors if unexpected extra properties are present on values beyond the first.

CodePudding user response:

You can express the first part of this with this generic function:

function check<T1, T2 extends T1>(t1: T1, ...tRest: T2[]): T1[] {
  return [t1, ...tRest];

// Accepts an entire array, courtesy Jeff Mercado (thank you!).
function checkArray<T1, T2 extends T1>(arr: [T1, ...T2[]]): T1[] { 
  return arr;

Playground Link

As far as the map is concerned, TypeScript correctly infers the union return type of the callback function. Your best bet there is probably to "prohibit" a union by forcing the type to never, as you can do with existing tools like this example by Titian Cernicova-Dragomir:

type UnionToIntersection<U> = 
    (U extends any ? (k: U)=>void : never) extends ((k: infer I)=>void)
    ? I : never 

type NoUnion<Key> =
    // If this is a simple type UnionToIntersection<Key> will be the same type,
    // otherwise it will an intersection of all types in the union and probably
    // will not extend `Key`
    [Key] extends [UnionToIntersection<Key>] ? Key : never;
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