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Find an ith row and ith column in a square matrix such that all numbers in the row are zeros and all


I hope you can help me with this question because I have been grappling with it for over a week now. The question asks to find an ith row and ith column in a N x N matrix such that the ith row only contains zeros, ane the ith column only contains ones (what is at their intersection doesn't matter) in O(N) time. i can be any number between 1 and N. If an i that satisfies this condition doesn't exist, just return -1. The matrix only has ones and zeros. Here is the best I could come up with but I don't think it's linear:

def zero_one(X):
    X = numpy.array(X)
    N = len(X)
    for i in range(N):
        original_value = X[i][i]
        X[i][i] = 0
        r = binaryToDecimal(X[i, :])
        X[i][i] = 1
        c = binaryToDecimal(X[:, i])
        if r == 0 and c == 2**(N - 1) - 1:
            X[i][i] = original_value
            return i
        X[i][i] = original_value
    return -1 # in case there's no i that satisfies the condition

Assuming that binaryToDecimal() runs in linear time and column-wise like in NumPy is available, this could be linear, but I doubt it. I have no idea how I could go through the elements of rows and columns in constant tine since I have to consider every row and column. Any hints and inputs would be highly appreciated! Thanks guys!

CodePudding user response:

I believe it's doable in O(n) with a "tournament" strategy : first we will eliminate all candidate but one, then we'll check if the last candidate is a valid answer. I will give you a pseudo-code answer, because I don't know python, but it should be easy to implements.

  1. make a variable "champion" containing the first index. (This variable will store the current winning index of the tournament).
  2. For each other index j, match them against the champion index : if X[champion][j] is 0, then the champion stays, else champion becomes j (If X[i][j] is a 1, then the ith row contains a 1 and i is not valid, and if it's a 0 then the jth column contains a 0, and is valid. Each match will thus eliminate one possible candidate.)
  3. Check if the champion satifies the conditions : if so return the champion, else return -1. (All other indexes have been eliminated during 2) )

EDIT : Tried to add python code.

def zero_one(m):
    n = len(m)
    c = 0
    for j in range(1,n):
        if m[c][j] == 1:
            c = j
    for i in range(0,c-1):
        if m[c][i] == 1 or m[i][c] == 0:
            return -1
    for i in range(c 1,n):
        if m[c][i] == 1 or m[i][c] == 0:
            return -1
    return c

The complexity is 0(n) : you first check (n-1) element of the matrix during the tournament, and then check 2(n-1) element to validate the last index.

If you have any questions feel free to ask, I'll update accordingly.

CodePudding user response:

I believe it is simpler than it seems. Consider that if row X holds all zeros (apart for the intersection with column X) then no other column Y!=X can hold all ones.

Hence we only need to check the rows: if we find an all-zeros (but the intersection) row X then we check the column X and just return X or -1 based on whether that column holds all ones (but the intersection). If no rows satisfy the criterion then we return -1 as well.

So the worst case is, we have to check N rows and 1 column.

def zero_one(mx):
    for x in range(n):
        if sum(mx[x])-mx[x][x] == 0:
            return x if sum(list(zip(*mx))[x])-mx[x][x] == n-1 else -1
    return -1
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