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How to use grep in Data frame in R


I made text comments in CSV file into dataframe such as

1.Mary had a little lamb and she is sweet.
2.Robin is a great superhero.
3.batman dark knight is wonderful movie.
4.Superman series has been a disappointment.

I tried to use

grep('batman',df,value =t)

it is giving as

"Mary had a little lamb and she is sweet.\",\n\"Robin is a great superhero.\"\n\"batman dark knight is wonderful movie.\",\n\"Superman series has been a disappointment.\"

instead, I would like the result as

batman dark night is a wonderful movie

only the above sentence should be displayed

CodePudding user response:

Using grep:

df[grep('batman',df$text,value =t),]

using stringr


df %>% 
  filter(str_detect(text, "batman"))


df <- data.frame(text = c("Mary had a little lamb and she is sweet.",
           "Robin is a great superhero.",
           "batman dark knight is wonderful movie.",
           "Superman series has been a disappointment."))

CodePudding user response:

# Your dataframe
df = data.frame( Text = c("Mary had a little lamb and she is sweet."
                          ,"Robin is a great superhero."
                          ,"batman dark knight is wonderful movie."
                          ,"Superman series has been a disappointment."))

# get the index which has batman in the text of your dataframe
df[grep("batman", df$Text),]


[1] "batman dark knight is wonderful movie."

In dplyr with grepl (which returns not a number but a logical value)

df %>% filter(grepl("batman", Text))


1 batman dark knight is wonderful movie.

CodePudding user response:

We may need to add word boundary (\\b) to avoid any non-specific matches

 subset(df, grepl("\\bbatman\\b", text))
3 batman dark knight is wonderful movie.
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