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how to integrate a function in an option of a menu?


So basically i created a function that displays a menu with different options ; here is the script

function Show-Menu
    param (
        [string]$Title = 'back to school'
    Write-Host "================ $title ================"
    Write-Host "1: Press '1' to calculate the missing length of a triangle."
    Write-Host "2: Press '2' to Calculate the area of a circle with a given diameter ."
    Write-Host "3: Press '3' to Calculate the volume of a cylinder from a given diameter and height. ."
    Write-Host "4: Press '4' to Calculate the volume of a sphere with a given diameter ."
    write-host "5: Press '5' to Calculate the factorial of an integer ."
    write-host "Q: Press 'Q' to exit"
    $selection = Read-Host "Please make a selection"
     switch ($selection)
     '1' {
         'You chose option #1'
     } '2' {
         'You chose option #2'
     } '3' {
         'You chose option #3'
     } '4' {
         'You chose option #4'
     }  '5' {'You chose option #5'
     }  'q' { return


And I want to integrate this function in option #1 ; that's the function pythagore.

$length1=read-host "enter first length"
$length2=read-host "enter second length"
Function pythagore {
    if ($Length1 -lt 1) { $Length1 = 1 } 
    if ($Length2 -lt 1) { $Length2 = 1 }
     $length3 = ([math]::Sqrt(([math]::Pow($Length1, 2))   (([math]::Pow($Length2, 2)))))
     write-host "The missing length is $length3"


How can i do that ?

CodePudding user response:

Start by parameterizing your function properly:

function pythagore {
        $Length1 = $(Read-Host "enter first length"),
        $Length2 = $(Read-Host "enter second length")
    if ($Length1 -lt 1) { $Length1 = 1 } 
    if ($Length2 -lt 1) { $Length2 = 1 }
     $length3 = ([math]::Sqrt(([math]::Pow($Length1, 2))   (([math]::Pow($Length2, 2)))))
     write-host "The missing length is $length3"

Then replace the string literal 'You chose option #1' with a call to pythagore:

    '1' {

    # ...

CodePudding user response:

Can you try :

Function pythagore ($Length1, $Length2)
    if ($Length1 -lt 1) { $Length1 = 1 } 
    if ($Length2 -lt 1) { $Length2 = 1 }
     $length3 = ([math]::Sqrt(([math]::Pow($Length1, 2))   (([math]::Pow($Length2, 2)))))
     write-host "The missing length is $length3"


function Show-Menu
    param (
        [string]$Title = 'back to school'
    Write-Host "================ $title ================"
    Write-Host "1: Press '1' to calculate the missing length of a triangle."
    Write-Host "2: Press '2' to Calculate the area of a circle with a given diameter ."
    Write-Host "3: Press '3' to Calculate the volume of a cylinder from a given diameter and height. ."
    Write-Host "4: Press '4' to Calculate the volume of a sphere with a given diameter ."
    write-host "5: Press '5' to Calculate the factorial of an integer ."
    write-host "Q: Press 'Q' to exit"
    $selection = Read-Host "Please make a selection"
     switch ($selection)
     '1' {
         'You chose option #1'
     } '2' {
         $length1=read-host "enter first length"
         $length2=read-host "enter second length"
         pythagore $Length1 $Length2
     } '3' {
         'You chose option #3'
     } '4' {
         'You chose option #4'
     }  '5' {'You chose option #5'
     }  'q' { return

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