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How to focus on one Entry when Using TextChange for multiple entries


I have 2 entries. When I tap anything on entry 1 I would like to get "Yess" on entry 2 and when I type anything on entry 2 I would like to get "Noo"

The problem:

When I tap on entry 1, entry 2 change and get the value "Noo" but entry 1 change too and get the value "yess".

Question :

How can make entry 2 change when tapping on entry 1 without changing entry 1. And the same for entry 2

Here is Xaml code :

 <Entry ClassId="1" x:Name="myWord1"TextChanged="OnEntryTextChange"/>
 <Entry ClassId="2"  x:Name="myWord2"  TextChanged="OnEntryTextChange"/>

Code :

 private async void OnEntryTextChange(object sender, TextChangedEventArgs e)
            var EntryTapped = (Xamarin.Forms.Entry)sender;

            Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() => {

                        if (EntryTapped.ClassId == "1")
                        else if (EntryTapped.ClassId == "2")


Thanks for your help

CodePudding user response:

There are several ways of doing this:

  1. Using bindings

In this case you would have 2 private variables and 2 public variables, and the entries binded to each one. Check this link how to implement INotifyPropertyChanged

    private string entry1String;
    private string entry2String;
    public string Entry1String { 
        get => entry1String;
            entry2String = "Noo";
            entry1String = value;
    public string Entry2String { 
        get => entry2String;
            entry1String = "Yees";
            entry2String = value;

Another way could be using a variable as a Semaphore. While the variable is True, the method cannot be fired at the same time by another.

private bool semaphoreFlag=false;

private async void OnEntryTextChange(object sender, TextChangedEventArgs e)
    if(semaphoreFlag) return;
        var EntryTapped = (Xamarin.Forms.Entry)sender;

        Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() => {

                    if (EntryTapped.ClassId == "1")
                    else if (EntryTapped.ClassId == "2")


CodePudding user response:

You could use the Focused event instead of TextChanged event.

        <Entry ClassId="1" x:Name="myWord1"  Focused="EntryFocused"/>
        <Entry ClassId="2"  x:Name="myWord2"  Focused="EntryFocused"/>

   private void EntryFocused(object sender, FocusEventArgs e)
        var EntryTapped = (Xamarin.Forms.Entry)sender;

        if (EntryTapped.ClassId == "1")

            myWord2.Text = "Noo";


        else if (EntryTapped.ClassId == "2")

            myWord1.Text = "yess";
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