I have a multiindex DataFrame like the following:
pd.DataFrame({('Number', 1): {('A', 'Blue', 'One', 'Bar'): 1,
('A', 'Blue', 'Two', 'Foo'): 2},
('Number', 2): {('A', 'Blue', 'One', 'Bar'): 2,
('A', 'Blue', 'Two', 'Foo'): 4},
('Number', 3): {('A', 'Blue', 'One', 'Bar'): 3,
('A', 'Blue', 'Two', 'Foo'): 6},
('Slope', ''): {('A', 'Blue', 'One', 'Bar'): 1,
('A', 'Blue', 'Two', 'Foo'): 2}})
That looks like this, but missing the slope column:
Number Slope
1 2 3
A Blue One Bar 1 2 3 1
Two Foo 2 4 6 2
And I'm not sure how to calculate and populate the Slope column. To make the calculation I'm assuming the column names as the x-values and the values within the columns as the y-values.
CodePudding user response:
Try with np.polyfit
# get the actual data, without `Slope` column
data = df.iloc[:, :-1]
df['Slope'] = np.polyfit(data.columns.get_level_values(1)
data.T.to_numpy(), 1)[0]
Number Slope
1 2 3
A Blue One Bar 1 2 3 1.0
Two Foo 2 4 6 2.0