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Vue 3 Typescript How to compare string correctly so that it would work?


I'm doing a project using TS Vue and I started selecting values from the array returned by the API. It is necessary to compare 2 string values inside the loops, I use === and always get false even with the same values. I tried to make an explicit cast to string, but also did not give any result.

        const signers: string[] = (transaction.detailedExecutionInfo as MultiSigExecutionDetails).signers;

  signers.forEach((signer: string) => {
    const signerConfirm = confirmations.filter((confirm: MultiSigConfirmations) => {
      const address1: string = signer as string;
      const address2: string = confirm.signer as string;
      console.dir(address1 === address2);
      return signer === confirm.signer;

I even checked directly by comparing two strings with the same values and still get False

console.log(signers[0] === confirmations[0].signer);

How to compare string primitives in TS correctly?

I attach screenshots from the console.

Thank you all in advance for the answers)

CodePudding user response:

The comparison in question is:

console.log(address1 === address2)

However, those appear to be refs based on the screenshot of the console.log.

To correctly compare those refs, use the value property of each ref:

console.log(address1.value === address2.value)

CodePudding user response:

I tried to make an explicit cast to string, but also did not give any result.

If you're referring to your use of as string, that does not change the data type to string; it asserts to TypeScript that the value is already a string. However, that's not so: From your screenshot it appears that signer and confirm.signer are Objects with a single property, value; given your use of Vue, they're likely Refs. In Javascript and TypeScript, object equality will be based on identity, not value.

If that's true, you're looking for the comparison address1.value === address2.value, which will compare strings properly and successfully.

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