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Populating array with random points


I have an assignment:

The three planes X=0, Y=0, and Z=0 divide the 3D space into 8 octant domains. Given an array of 3D points, the following function counts the number of points belonging to each octant. Write a version of that function which doesn’t use either if-statements or the if operator.

The function:

typedef float pnt[3];

void count(pnt const* pnts, const int n, unsigned cnt[8]) {

    for (int i = 0; i < 8;   i)
        cnt[i] = 0;

    for (int i = 0; i < n;   i) {
        if (pnts[i][0] >= 0.0f && pnts[i][1] >= 0.0f && pnts[i][2] >= 0.0f)   cnt[7]; else
        if (pnts[i][0] >= 0.0f && pnts[i][1] >= 0.0f && pnts[i][2] < 0.0f)   cnt[3]; else
        if (pnts[i][0] >= 0.0f && pnts[i][1] < 0.0f && pnts[i][2] >= 0.0f)   cnt[5]; else
        if (pnts[i][0] >= 0.0f && pnts[i][1] < 0.0f && pnts[i][2] < 0.0f)   cnt[1]; else
        if (pnts[i][0] < 0.0f && pnts[i][1] >= 0.0f && pnts[i][2] >= 0.0f)   cnt[6]; else
        if (pnts[i][0] < 0.0f && pnts[i][1] >= 0.0f && pnts[i][2] < 0.0f)   cnt[2]; else
        if (pnts[i][0] < 0.0f && pnts[i][1] < 0.0f && pnts[i][2] >= 0.0f)   cnt[4]; else

Rest of the assignment:

Also implement the missing code for populating an array of random points and compare the performance of the two versions (with and without if statements) assuming n = 2^24. (hint: each bit in the octant index of a point is associated to one dimension).

I am stuck at populating an array to the function. I have tried different ways and none of them have worked and results in stack overflow. Either I am misunderstanding the assignment or I am doing something wrong with my code:

I am trying to populate my array with random values and sending it to the function like this:

unsigned cnt[8];

pnt arr[(1 << 24)];

for (int i = 0; i < (1 << 24) - 1; i  )
    for (int j = 0; j < 3; j  )
        arr[i][j] = (rand() % 100) - 50;
count(arr, 1 << 24, cnt);

This code gives me stack overflow in debug mode. In release mode I don't get any errors but also it does not even touch my for loop or working with my count function.

I know that pnt arr[(1 << 24)] is alot of space in memory and I also understand that I get stack overflow because that is too much memory allocated for the array but how should I interpret " assuming n = 2^24"?

CodePudding user response:

To populate array drop use of c-arrays. In your scenario they are to big to be stored on stack (as you noticed).

So just use std::vector to hold this values.

using Point = std::array<float, 3>;
using Points = std::vector<Point>;
using DomainCount = std::array<unsigned, 8>;

Points generateRandomData(std::size_t n)
    std::random_device rd;
    std::mt19937 gen(rd());
    std::uniform_real_distribution<float> dis{-50, 50};

    Points data;
    std::generate_n(std::back_inserter(data), n, [dis, &gen]() {
        return Point{dis(gen), dis(gen), dis(gen)};

If youi need old API (which is look like very old C style) you can do this:

auto data = generateRandomData(1 << 24);
count(data.data(), data.size(), cnt);

To drop if-s you need use fact that bool expression is implicitly converted to 0 or 1 integer value.

using Point = std::array<float, 3>;
using Points = std::vector<Point>;
using DomainCount = std::array<unsigned, 8>;

DomainCount count(const Points& points) {
    DomainCount r{};

    for (const auto& p : points) {
        auto xIndex = p[0] < 0;
        auto yIndex = static_cast<int>(p[1] < 0) << 1;
        auto zIndex = static_cast<int>(p[2] < 0) << 2;
          r[xIndex   yIndex   zIndex];
    return r;


Note technique is called branchless programing and leads to code which is faster then if version (unpredictable branches are hard task for CPU).

CodePudding user response:

Allocating to the heap solved it.

pnt* arr = new pnt [(1 << 24)];

for (int i = 0; i < (1 << 24) - 1; i  )
    for (int j = 0; j < 3; j  )
        arr[i][j] = (rand() % 100) - 50;

count(arr, 1 << 24, cnt);
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