I have stuck in a small issue where I need to remove last character "," ( if present) from JSON log file. I am using it in Splunk.
It seems simple and I was hoping my regex will work but its not working. My Attempts :
1. s/\(,$\)?//g
2. s/,$//g
3. s/\(.*\),/\1/
FYI: My json file is nested, along with removing last character, I am removing some header and footers from this file and breaking the 1 event in multiple. Due to event break it has , at the end of each event.
For better understanding can refer this link which I posted on Splunk Community fourm
CodePudding user response:
Actually there was an extra space at the end so below one is working but it cause another issue.
Working Regex s/\(,\s$\)//g
because I am using it with other regex and event break. Not event break is not working.
Other Regex
SEDCMD-removefooter = s/(\]\,).*//g
SEDCMD-removeheader = s/\{\"data\": \[//g
LINE_BREAKER = ([\r\n,]*(?:{[^[{] \[)?){"links"
CodePudding user response:
I resolved the issue
Working regex
SEDCMD-replacequotes = s/'/"/g
SEDCMD-removecomma = s/,\s$//g
SEDCMD-removefooter = s/(\]\,).*//g
SEDCMD-removeheader = s/\{.data.: \[//g