Python code:
url = ''
initial = list(string.ascii_lowercase)
initial_url = [url i for i in initial]
html_initial = [urllib.request.urlopen(i).read() for i in initial_url]
soup_initial = [BeautifulSoup(i, 'html.parser') for i in html_initial]
tags_initial = [i('a') for i in soup_initial]
Results example:
<a href="/players/a/abdursh01.html">Shareef Abdur-Rahim</a>
From the example above, I want to extract the name of the players which is 'Shareef Abdur-Rahim', but I want to do it for all the tags_initial lists,
Does anyone have an idea?
CodePudding user response:
There are probably better ways but I'd do it like this:
html = "a href=\"/teams/LAL/2021.html\">Los Angeles Lakers</a"
index = html.find("a href")
index = html.find(">", index) 1
index_end = html.find("<", index)
If you're using a scraper library it probably has a similar function built-in.
CodePudding user response:
Could you modify your post by adding your code so that we can help you better?
Maybe that could help you :
name = soup.findAll(YOUR_SELECTOR)[0].string
import re
import string
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from urllib.request import urlopen
url = ''
# Alphabet
initial = list(string.ascii_lowercase)
datas = []
urls = [url i for i in initial]
for url in urls:
# Soup Object
soup = BeautifulSoup(urlopen(url), 'html.parser')
# Players link
url_links = soup.findAll("a", href=re.compile("players"))
for link in url_links:
# Player name
print("datas : ", datas)
Then, "datas" contains all the names of the players, but I advise you to do a little processing afterwards to remove some erroneous information like "..." or perhaps duplicates