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Loop works fine but when sqlite execute called it stops after first line


It's the first stage of a Python for Everyone data visualisation project. I can't work out why the loop stops working during the SQL commands in lines 90-91. I've tested it segment by segment and the loop works fine if you comment out the last MySQL commands, but it stops working after adding one successful row when you leave them in.

import urllib.request, urllib.parse, urllib.error
import sqlite3
import json
import ssl

api_key = "800a5c3b"
serviceurl = "http://www.omdbapi.com/?"

conn = sqlite3.connect('omdb.sqlite')
cur = conn.cursor()

cur.execute('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS Omdbdump;')
cur.execute('''CREATE TABLE Omdbdump (
title TEXT, year TEXT, rated TEXT, released TEXT, runtime TEXT, genre TEXT, director TEXT, writer TEXT, actors TEXT, plotlong TEXT, language  TEXT, country TEXT, awards TEXT, poster URL, imdbrating REAL, rtrating REAL, mcrating REAL, imdbid TEXT, type TEXT, dvd TEXT, boxoffice TEXT, production TEXT, website URL)

# Ignore SSL certificate errors
ctx = ssl.create_default_context()
ctx.check_hostname = False
ctx.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_NONE

fh = cur.execute('''SELECT id, title, year FROM top50''')

rty = list()
for row in fh:
    #row = cur.fetchone()
    qtitle = str(row[1])
    qyear = str(row[2])


    #parms sets up the query url: url concatenated with address and api key
    #query format https://www.omdbapi.com/?t=blade runner&y=2018&plot=full&apikey=800a5c3b

    parms = dict()
    parms["t"] = qtitle
    parms["y"] = qyear
    parms["plot"] = "full"
    parms["apikey"] = api_key
    url = serviceurl   urllib.parse.urlencode(parms)

    print('Retrieving', url)
    uh = urllib.request.urlopen(url, context=ctx)
    data = uh.read().decode()
    print('Retrieved', len(data), 'characters', data[:20].replace('\n', ' '))
    js = json.loads(data)
    if js['Response'] == 'False':
        print('==== Failure To Retrieve ====')
    title = js['Title']
    year = js['Year']
    rated = js['Rated']
    released = js['Released']
    runtime = js['Runtime']
    genre = js['Genre']
    director = js['Director']
    writer = js['Writer']
    actors = js['Actors']
    plotlong = js['Plot']
    language = js['Language']
    country = js['Country']
    awards = js['Awards']
    poster = js['Poster']
    imdbrating = js['imdbRating']
    mcrating = js['Metascore']
    imdbid = js['imdbID']
    type = js['Type']
    dvd = js['DVD']
    boxoffice = js['BoxOffice']
    production = js['Production']
    website = js['Website']
        rtrating = js['Ratings'][1]['Value']
        rtrating = 'N/A'
    #the loop works until here -- with the following lines, it goes through once then stops...
    cur.execute('''INSERT INTO Omdbdump (title, year, rated, released, runtime, genre, director, writer, actors, plotlong, language, country, awards, poster, imdbrating, rtrating, mcrating, imdbid, type, dvd, boxoffice, production, website) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? )''', (title, year, rated, released, runtime, genre, director, writer, actors, plotlong, language, country, awards, poster, imdbrating, rtrating, mcrating, imdbid, type, dvd, boxoffice, production, website) )


CodePudding user response:

Program changes the "value" of the cursor here

cur.execute('''INSERT INTO Omdbdump.......)

while iterating over the cursor here for row in fh:.

Possible solutions:

  • create another cursor for the insert
  • use the connection's execute method for the insert.
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