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Is there any difference between the two writing?


To obtain the status bar height, two writing
Private static Boolean USE_CUSTOM_STATUS_BAR_HEIGHT=true;
Private static int statusBarHeight=1;
Public static int getStatusBarHeight Activity (Activity) {
If (statusBarHeight!=1 & amp; & ! USE_CUSTOM_STATUS_BAR_HEIGHT) {
Return statusBarHeight;
Try {
If (the activity!=null & amp; & ! Activity. IsFinishing ()) {
The Rect the Rect=new the Rect ();
Windows Window=activity. GetWindow ();
Window. GetDecorView (.) getWindowVisibleDisplayFrame (the rect);
StatusBarHeight=the rect. Top;
} the catch (Exception e) {
LOGGER. D (TAG, "getStatusBarHeight Exception", e);
StatusBarHeight=DeviceUtils. FromDipToPx (ApplicationContext, 20).
Return statusBarHeight;

I wrote:
Private static int statusBarHeight=DeviceUtils. FromDipToPx (ApplicationContext, 20).
Public static int getStatusBarHeight Activity (Activity) {
If (activity==null | | activity. IsFinishing) {
Return statusBarHeight;
} else {
The Rect rectgle=new the Rect ();
Windows Window=activity. GetWindow ();
Window. GetDecorView (.) getWindowVisibleDisplayFrame (rectgle);
StatusBarHeight=rectgle. Top;
Return rectgle. Top;

From the perspective of value, both for the status bar height method is there a difference?
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