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Printing from a dictionary single values


Currently trying to get to print all strTeam from the teams:[Team] dictionary. Any guidance here will be appreciated.

If you see any other mistakes please let me know. Thank you.

import UIKit

class ViewController2: UIViewController {

    override func viewDidLoad() {
        let url = "https://www.thesportsdb.com/api/v1/json/1/search_all_teams.php?l=English_Premier_League"
        getData(from: url)

        // Do any additional setup after loading the view.
    func getData(from url:String){
        let task = URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: URL(string: url)!, completionHandler: {data, response, error in
            guard let data = data, error == nil else{
                print("something went wrong")
            // Received the data
            var result: Response?
                result = try JSONDecoder().decode(Response.self, from: data)
                print("failed to connect \(error.localizedDescription)")
            guard let json = result else {
            // WOULD LIKE TO ONLY PRINT all teams.strTeam HERE


struct Response: Codable {
    let teams: [Teams]

struct Teams: Codable{
    let strTeam : String
    let strStadium : String

I have attempted json.teams.strTeam but get an error.

I know json.teams[i].strTeam gives me a single value but I would like all strTeam values printed.

This may be super easy but I just started learning Swift.

CodePudding user response:

You can map the strTeam values by doing this:


The map function takes an array and transforms it into a new array. In this case, we're taking the original array of Teams and transforms it into an array of just the strTeam property of each item.

CodePudding user response:

   for name in json.teams {
       print("WOULD LIKE TO ONLY PRINT all teams.strTeam HERE", name.strStadium)

enter image description here

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