Home > Mobile >  Why android end use yahoo weather API connection, but can't obtain any data?
Why android end use yahoo weather API connection, but can't obtain any data?


Use the sample code provided by the website, anyway don't get any data? Troublesome everybody bosses to help me have a look, is there is something wrong with the code or now temporarily can't gain

ExampleRequest. Java
The import com. Android. Volley. AuthFailureError;
The import com.android.volley.Net workResponse;
The import com. Android. Volley. ParseError;
The import com. Android. Volley. The Response;
The import com. Android. Volley. Toolbox. HttpHeaderParser;
The import com. Android. Volley. Toolbox. JsonRequest;
The import com. Google. Gson. JsonSyntaxException;

The import net. Request. The request;
The import net. Request. OAuthAccessor;
The import net. Request. OAuthConsumer;
The import net. Request. OAuthException;
The import net. Request. OAuthMessage;

import java.io.IOException;
Import the Java. IO. UnsupportedEncodingException;
The import java.net.URISyntaxException;
Import the Java. Util. HashMap;
import java.util.Map;

Public class ExampleRequest Extends JsonRequest {

Final String appId="aGMrrF4c";
Final String CONSUMER_KEY="dj0yJmk9ZGM1eW1CQmFxelVDJmQ9WVdrOVlVZE5jbkpHTkdNbWNHbzlNQS0tJnM9Y29uc3VtZXJzZWNyZXQmc3Y9MCZ4PWFk";
Final String CONSUMER_SECRET="29 bb41285bb99214a0366f3b7b401dc941d9baf9";

Final String baseUrl="https://weather-ydn-yql.media.yahoo.com/forecastrss";

Public ExampleRequest (int method, url String, the String requestBody, Response. Listener The listener, the Response ErrorListener ErrorListener) {
Super (method, url, requestBody, listener, errorListener);

@ Override
Public Map GetHeaders () throws AuthFailureError {
Map Headers=new HashMap<> (a);
OAuthConsumer consumer=new OAuthConsumer (null, CONSUMER_KEY, CONSUMER_SECRET, null);
Consumer. SetProperty (request. OAUTH_SIGNATURE_METHOD, request. HMAC_SHA1);
OAuthAccessor accessor=new OAuthAccessor (consumer);

Try {
OAuthMessage request=accessor. NewRequestMessage (OAuthMessage. GET getUrl (), null);
String=authorization request. GetAuthorizationHeader (null);
Headers. The put (" Authorization ", Authorization);
} the catch (OAuthException e) {
} the catch (IOException e) {
} the catch (URISyntaxException e) {
Headers. The put (" X - Yahoo - App - Id ", appId);
The content-type headers. The put (" ", "application/json");
Return headers.

@ Override
Public String getUrl () {
Return baseUrl + "? Location=in sunnyvale, ca& Format=json ";

@ Override
Protected Response ParseNetworkResponse (NetworkResponse response) {
Try {
String json=new String (the response data, HttpHeaderParser. ParseCharset (. The response headers));
T parsedResponse=parseResponse (json);
Return the Response. Success (parsedResponse, HttpHeaderParser parseCacheHeaders (Response));
} the catch (UnsupportedEncodingException | JsonSyntaxException e) {
Return the Response. The error (new ParseError (e));

Protected T parseResponse (String jsonObject) {
return null;//Add the response parsing here

ExampleRequestManager. Java
import android.content.Context;

The import com. Android. Volley. Request;
The import com. Android. Volley. RequestQueue;
The import com. Android. Volley. Toolbox. Volley;

Public class ExampleRequestManager {
Private static ExampleRequestManager sInstance;

The Context mContext;
RequestQueue mRequestQueue;

Public static synchronized ExampleRequestManager getInstance (Context Context) {
If (sInstance==null) {
SInstance=new ExampleRequestManager (context);
Return sInstance;

Private ExampleRequestManager Context (Context) {
MRequestQueue=Volley. NewRequestQueue (mContext);

The public & lt; T> Void addToRequestQueue (Request Request) {
MRequestQueue. Add (request);

The import androidx. Appcompat. App. AppCompatActivity;

import android.os.Bundle;
The import android. Widget. TextView;
import android.widget.Toast;

The import com. Android. Volley. AuthFailureError;
The import com. Android. Volley. Request;
The import com. Android. Volley. The Response;
The import com. Android. Volley. VolleyError;

Public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
Private TextView TV;

@ Override
Protected void onCreate (Bundle savedInstanceState) {

TV=the findViewById (R.i which v);

@ Override
Public void onStart () {

Final ExampleRequestManager requestManager=ExampleRequestManager. GetInstance (this);
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