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Handling format problems in textBox


my task is that, ask the user to write a number in a textbox between 1 and 5. I have to handle the bad cases, like the user write a wrong number or write character instead number and this have to run as long as the program get a correct number. This is what I have right now.

        int right_number = int.Parse(number.Text); 
            if (right_number > 5 || right_number < 1)
        catch (NotFiniteNumberException)

CodePudding user response:

This would be the cleanest way to validate your input:

bool IsInputValid(string input, out string warningMessage)
    if (!int.TryParse(input, out var integerValue))
        warningMessage = "input could not be parsed to an integer";
        return false;

    if (integerValue < 1 || integerValue > 5)
        warningMessage = "input is not between one and five";
        return false;

    warningMessage = string.Empty;
    return true;

The calling code would look something like this:

void TextChanged(string newText)
    if (!IsInputValid(newText, out var warningMessage))

    //handle valid input here

CodePudding user response:

The cleanest way to solve this is to use a NumericUpDown control with the following properties:

  • MinValue = 1
  • MaxValue = 5
  • Value = (a good starting default)
  • DecimalPlaces = 0
  • Increment = 1

NumericUpDown doesn't accept non numeric input, or anything outside its ranges, so all those cases you are worried about just.. disappear. The user can also use up/down keys to adjust the value

CodePudding user response:

If user is supposed to enter 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 we can just prevent incorrect input (without annoying MessageBoxes etc.) with a help of KeyPress event handler:

private void myTextBox_KeyPress(object sender, KeyPressEventArgs e) {
  // We allow commands like BackSpace, Shift   Tab etc.
  e.Handled = e.KeyChar >= ' ';

  if (sender is Control control) {
    // If user press 1..5 we put it into the TextBox
    if (e.KeyChar >= '1' && e.KeyChar <= '5')
      control.Text = e.KeyChar.ToString();

To prevent user pasting something from ClipBoard we can add TextChanged event handler:

private void myTextBox_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) {
  if (sender is Control control) {
    string text = control.Text.Trim();

    if (text.Length == 1 && text[0] >= '0' && text[0] <= '5')
      control.Text = text;
      control.Text = "";

Now user can only do legal actions:

  1. Press digit in 1..5 range (incorrect value is ignored)
  2. Delete
  3. Paste digit in 1..5 range (incorrect paste clears the text box)

CodePudding user response:

HTML supports regex patterns for validating inputs using the "pattern" attribute. You can then add an event listener to run when a user enters a value. The validity of the input can be checked with checkValidity()


<input  pattern="[0-5]">


var input = document.querySelector("input");
input.addEventListener('change', (event) => 
    var valid = event.target.checkValidity();
    //do something

CodePudding user response:

        if (int.TryParse(number, out right_number))
            if (right_number > 5 || right_number < 1)
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