I want a function that can replace ANY " " with the ones that we use in greece « ».
For example in A2 i have:
The kid said "lets play" and i said "yes!".
And i want a function that will return:
The kid said «Lets play» and i said «yes!».
(If you dont know where the greek quotation marks are located in the keyboard, then simply copy paste them and insert them in your function: « » )
Thank you!
CodePudding user response:
=REGEXREPLACE(A1, """(.*?)""", "«$1»")
CodePudding user response:
What worked for me:
CodePudding user response:
As an alternative to the Sheets formulae already provided, you can also make use of Apps Script:
function replaceQM() {
let ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
let cell = ss.getRange('A1').getValue().toString();
cell = cell.replace(/"(?=[\w,.?!\)]|$)/g, "«").replace(/(?<=[\w,.?!\)]|^)"/g, "»"); ss.getRange('A2').setValue(cell);
The snippet above makes use of regex in order to replace the quotation marks. The first replace
method is used to find any quotation marks at the beginning of a word and the second replace
is used to find any quotation marks at the end of a word, taking into account the punctuation marks.
Therefore, if we run the script above, we'll be getting the following results: