I wanted to count the number of screens detected via powershell/cmd.
got the below to work but I wanted to count the number of screens detected as numeric.
@for /F "usebackq tokens=2 delims=: " %i IN (`powershell.exe Get-CimInstance -Namespace root\wmi -ClassName WmiMonitorBasicDisplayParams ^| findstr /r /C:"Active"`) do @echo %i
this returns the below suppose I have 2 screens connected. Would anyone help me change the output to the number of screens active instead which is true to numeric/or count the number of true? i.e = 2
CodePudding user response:
You already have the solution, you're just mixing a batch syntax with PowerShell for no reason.
@(Get-CimInstance -Namespace root\wmi -ClassName WmiMonitorBasicDisplayParams).Length
is a pure PowerShell solution.
If you want to filter it to only active displays, then @(Get-CimInstance -Namespace root\wmi -ClassName WmiMonitorBasicDisplayParams | where-object { $_.Active }).Length
CodePudding user response:
Use internal utilities if you plan to use batch-file only.
FOR /F "delims=:" %%a in ('wmic /namespace:\\root\wmi path WmiMonitorBasicDisplayParams get Active ^|findstr /n "Active"') DO @echo %%a
But rememeber wmic.exe
has no longer support.