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How to subtract buy/sell rows for each group in dataframe


I have a dataframe that looks like this:

symbol side min max mean wav
1000038 buy 0.931 1.0162 0.977 0.992
1000038 sell 0.932 1.0173 0.978 0.995
1000039 buy 0.881 1.00 0.99 0.995
1000039 sell 0.885 1.025 0.995 1.001

What is the most pythonic (efficient) way of generating a new dataframe consisting of the differences between the buys and the sells of each symbol.

For example: symbol 1000038, the difference between the and min sell and min buy is (0.932 - 0.931) = 0.001.

I am seeking a method that avoids looping through the dataframe rows as I believe this would be inefficient. Instead looking for a grouping type of solution.

I have tried something like this:

df1 = stats[['symbol','side']].join(stats[['mean','wav']].diff(-1))
df2 = df1[df1['side']=='sell']

but it does not seem to work as expected.

CodePudding user response:

You could use the pandas MultiIndex. First, set up the data:

import pandas as pd

columns = ('symbol', 'side', 'min', 'max', 'mean', 'wav')
data = [
    (1000038,  'buy', 0.931, 1.0162, 0.977, 0.992),
    (1000038, 'sell', 0.932, 1.0173, 0.978, 0.995),
    (1000039,  'buy', 0.881, 1.00,   0.99,  0.995),
    (1000039, 'sell', 0.885, 1.025,  0.995, 1.001),
df = pd.DataFrame(data = data, columns = columns)

Then, create the index and compute the difference between two data frames:

df2 = df.set_index(['side', 'symbol'], verify_integrity=True)
df2 = df2.sort_index()

df2.loc[('buy',), :] - df2.loc[('sell',), :]

The result is:

           min     max   mean    wav
1000038 -0.001 -0.0011 -0.001 -0.003
1000039 -0.004 -0.0250 -0.005 -0.006

I'm assuming that each symbol (like 1000038) appears twice. You could use fillna() if you have un-matched buys and sells.

CodePudding user response:

If needed, start with


Set the index to ['side', 'symbol'] and use xs to get cross-sections for buy and sell:

df.set_index(['side', 'symbol']).pipe(lambda df: df.xs('sell') - df.xs('buy'))

#            min     max   mean    wav
# symbol                              
# 1000038  0.001  0.0011  0.001  0.003
# 1000039  0.004  0.0250  0.005  0.006


Set the index to symbol and subtract the groups using groupby.diff:


#            min     max   mean    wav
# symbol                              
# 1000038  0.001  0.0011  0.001  0.003
# 1000039  0.004  0.0250  0.005  0.006
- To flip the subtraction order, use diff(-1).
- If your version throws an error with groupby('symbol'), use groupby(level=0).
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