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Answer a small application development qualifying pk difficulty


One, the answer little program qualifying basis functions:

1, Web background information into the season, and the answer to upgrade rules, this is the culmination of a program, first set the start and end time of the season, and then set up rules and scoring rules, the last paragraph a upgrade rules have been set,

2, small program can be matched to the identity and status and their equal rival answers to pk, Dan win can receive bonus points and status upgrade, upgrade of the rules for Dan identity is based on the background Settings, such as integral period of bronze, gold identity as well as integral,

Two, the answer little program qualifying advanced features:

New robot problem solving function, in the absence of real match, against the system automatically assigned robots, robot can set the same grade and pk correct overall, thus to realize the seamless match, real pk in the problem solving process, of course, real rivals or priority matching, only in the case of lack of reality, the machine will fill in,

Three, answer the difficulty analysis on the development of small program qualifying

Answer little program such a project to develop the difficulty lies in the interactive, namely single user's answer is to say, because how to play your own things, but if involve multiple users, for example answers friends pk, qualifying upgrade problem solving, team many people the answer such trouble, just because you're not the only one person in the answer, also need to consider the opponent or his teammates for the answer, if one party card, network terminal or other all sorts of unforeseen factors, can lead to problems appeared in the process of problem solving,
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