Attached to start the service code
intentser=new Intent (WallpaperManager. ACTION_CHANGE_LIVE_WALLPAPER);
Intentser. PutExtra (WallpaperManager EXTRA_LIVE_WALLPAPER_COMPONENT, new the ComponentName (context, VideoWall. Class));
The context. StartActivity (intentser);
To attach a registration service code:
& lt; Service
The android: name=". VideoLiveWallpaper "
Android: label="@ string/app_name"
Android: permission="android. Permission. BIND_WALLPAPER"
Android: process=": which" & gt;
<meta - data
The android: name="android. Service. Which wallpaper"
Android: resource="@ XML/dywalls"/& gt;
CodePudding user response:
Don't know how to kill system service you? There should be no permissions,