Home > Mobile >  Ask bosses, guiding the imsi for code below how to specify a return value?
Ask bosses, guiding the imsi for code below how to specify a return value?


The method public static getImsi () Ljava/lang/String;
Locals 2

Invoke the -static {}, Lcom/baidu/vi/b; -> (a) Landroid/content/Context;

Move - result - object where v0

Const string/jumbo v1, "phone"

Invoke - virtual {where v0, v1}, the Landroid/content/Context; -> getSystemService (Ljava/lang/String;) Ljava/lang/Object;

Move - result - object where v0

Check - cast where v0, Landroid/telephony/TelephonyManager;

If - eqz where v0, : cond_0

Invoke - virtual {where v0}, Landroid/telephony/TelephonyManager; -> getSubscriberId () Ljava/lang/String;

Move - result - object where v0

: goto_0
The return - object where v0

: cond_0
Const/4 where v0, 0 x0

Goto: goto_0
The end method
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