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Pi4j to use java with raspberry Pi not working


I am honestly about to just give up, i've tried so many different possibilities, for multiple weeks now, almost a month, of multiple problems.

I am a new-ish programmer, especially with java, but i have a good understanding about java

I am able to create a maven project no problem, i have no problems with the structure of java itself, but i don't fully understand the pom.xml.

The file compiles just fine, but when i go to start it with java -jar (filename), i get the following output;

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/pi4j/Pi4J at com.pi.rasberri.Main.main(Main.java:16) Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.pi4j.Pi4J at java.base/jdk.internal.loader.BuiltinClassLoader.loadClass(BuiltinClassLoader.java:641) at java.base/jdk.internal.loader.ClassLoaders$AppClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoaders.java:188) at java.base/java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:520) ... 1 more

Heres my pom that i have figuratively almost dismembered;

   (The long links)
</properties>  <dependencies>
</dependencies> <build>
<version>1.2</version> </plugin>    <plugin>    <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>   

maven-jar-plugin 3.1.0 true com.pi.rasberri.Main lib/ true true com.pi.rasberri.Main false true

And my code, which is com.pi.rasberri.Main

    package com.pi.rasberri;

import com.pi4j.Pi4J;
import com.pi4j.io.gpio.digital.DigitalOutput;
import com.pi4j.io.gpio.digital.DigitalState;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;

public class Main {
    private static final int PIN_LED = 6;
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception{
       var pi4j = Pi4J.newAutoContext();
        int x = 0;
        var ledConfig = DigitalOutput.newConfigBuilder(pi4j)
           .name("LED Flasher")
        var led = pi4j.create(ledConfig);
        while(x != 5){
            x  ;
    static void sleep(int z){
        try {
        }   catch (InterruptedException ex) {
           System.out.println("Thread.sleep went fucky wucky");

I would appreciate anything that can even direct me somewhere, because i am quite lost at this point, and of course, if i figure out the answer, i will let everyone know! Thanks in advance


Thank you, tgdavies, the article you linked https://stackoverflow.com/a/574650/17644313 was the answer to that specific problem!**

Just in case anyone else has the same chain of issues as me;

But with that being said, i ran directly into another error;

[main] INFO com.pi4j.Pi4J - New auto context [main] INFO com.pi4j.Pi4J - New context builder [main] INFO com.pi4j.platform.impl.DefaultRuntimePlatforms - adding platform to managed platform map [id=raspberrypi; name=RaspberryPi Platform; priority=5; class=com.pi4j.plugin.raspberrypi.platform.RaspberryPiPlatform] Exception in thread "main" com.pi4j.provider.exception.ProviderNotFoundException: Pi4J provider [pigpio-digital-output] could not be found. Please include this 'provider' JAR in the classpath. at com.pi4j.provider.impl.DefaultRuntimeProviders.get(DefaultRuntimeProviders.java:238) at com.pi4j.provider.impl.DefaultProviders.get(DefaultProviders.java:147) at com.pi4j.provider.Providers.get(Providers.java:253) at com.pi4j.context.Context.create(Context.java:316) at com.pi4j.internal.IOCreator.create(IOCreator.java:58) at com.pi4j.internal.IOCreator.create(IOCreator.java:96) at com.pi4j.internal.IOCreator.create(IOCreator.java:176) at com.pi.rasberri.Main.main(Main.java:27)

I cleaned the pom.xml a littlebit;


      <plugins>  <!--Package all libraries classes into one runnable jar -->

At this point, i know of atleast 2 possibilities,

  1. The code just needs to be run on the raspberry pi
  2. I have entered the classpaths incorrectly

But i honestly dont really know as to where to start troubleshooting I've tried a few things, one of which being to try another method of compiling the files, but the other method just resulted in a even longer string of errors.

What should i try next? Thanks in advance! And thanks to anyone who has suggested troubleshooting steps thus far!

Oh, and the target is to hopefully just create a singular jar file to execute on the raspberry pi


I tried to run it on the Raspberri pi, and it resulted in the same error so it's not that

CodePudding user response:

Thanks tgdavies, MadProgrammer, and khmarbaise for the answers, the fix was to create a fat jar, which is basically a jar file that contains all the dependencies in one file, example can be found in the original question/comments

Now, as to the other problem, the issue is with this bit of code;

 var ledConfig = DigitalOutput.newConfigBuilder(pi4j)
       .name("LED Flasher")
    var led = pi4j.create(ledConfig);

As to why, i am still trying to figure out, but i will edit this answer when i figure that out,

The reason the second error is caused, is beacause currently pi4j 2.0 does not support fat jars

Link; https://github.com/Pi4J/pi4j-v2/issues/129

and just in case anyone is wondering, heres the final POM.xml;

(The long links that are automatically created)



    <plugin> <!-- Fat jar; -->

CodePudding user response:

I do not have a Raspberry Pi to do final testing but I think I found a work-around.

Using this answer I managed to get 2021-10-30-raspios-bullseye-armhf-lite.img running in Docker. I built a project using your code and copied all files needed and tried to start it (mypiapp is my jar containing your main-class):

java -cp mypiapp-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:lib/pi4j-core-2.1.1.jar:lib/pi4j-library-pigpio-2.1.1.jar:lib/pi4j-plugin-pigpio-2.1.1.jar:lib/pi4j-plugin-raspberrypi-2.1.1.jar:lib/slf4j-api-1.7.32.jar:lib/slf4j-simple-1.7.32.jar com.github.fwi.mypiapp.MyPiApp

which then gave me the error:

[main] ERROR com.pi4j.library.pigpio.util.NativeLibraryLoader - Unable to load [libpi4j-pigpio.so] using path: [/lib/armhf/libpi4j-pigpio.so]
java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: /tmp/libpi4j-pigpio1770932771276400506.so: libpigpio.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

which is a bummer. But at least there was no ProviderNotFoundException (which I also could reproduce using the "fat jar with dependencies"). The long java-command appears to prevent that exception from happening.

And I could improve the situation somewhat by running (in Raspbian)

apt install pigpio

and now the long java-command shows:

[main] WARN com.pi4j.library.pigpio.impl.PiGpioNativeImpl - PIGPIO ERROR: PI_INIT_FAILED; pigpio initialisation failed

which is to be expected when running in a Docker container. But at least the native library was found and loaded.

Now for the work-around which might solve the "fat jar" problems. We are gonna borrow some Maven setup and code from Spring. Spring can also build fat-jars and does it a bit more complicated but also better. The pom now looks like (update where needed with your project names):

<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0"
    xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 https://maven.apache.org/xsd/maven-4.0.0.xsd">




Simply run mvn clean package to build the fat-jar. Run it using java -jar mypiapp-fat.jar In my case, it gave the exact same error as when running with the long java-command (i.e. there was no ProviderNotFoundException). So I think this could work on a real Raspberry-Pi (the apt install pigpio might still be required though).

Some notes:

  • the Spring parent sets some good Maven defaults and also sets good defaults for the spring-boot-maven-plugin
  • Java version MUST be set using the java.version property.
  • update start.class with the name of the class containing your main-method.
  • the 3 dependencies in the pom.xml will pull in all other dependencies (dependencies of dependencies)
  • Spring documentation references: packaging and nested-jars launcher options.
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