I don't know how to order columns in tidyHtmlTable function from htmlTable package. The documentation says:
Columns are sorted by arrange(cgroup,header) where cgroup will be expanded to the columns of the cgroup argument, e.g. cgroup = c(a, b), header = c will become arrange(a,b,c). If you want to sort in non-alphabetic order you can provide a factor variable and that information will be retained.
How can I provide such factor variable? For example, in the doc example
td <- mtcars %>%
as_tibble(rownames = "rnames") %>%
pivot_longer(names_to = "per_metric",
cols = c(hp, mpg, qsec))
tidy_summary <- td %>%
group_by(cyl, gear, per_metric) %>%
summarise(Mean = round(mean(value), 1),
SD = round(sd(value), 1),
Min = round(min(value), 1),
Max = round(max(value), 1),
.groups = 'drop') %>%
pivot_longer(names_to = "summary_stat",
cols = c(Mean, SD, Min, Max)) %>%
ungroup() %>%
mutate(gear = paste(gear, "Gears"),
cyl = paste(cyl, "Cylinders"))
tidy_summary %>%
arrange(per_metric, summary_stat) %>%
addHtmlTableStyle(align = "r") %>%
tidyHtmlTable(header = gear,
cgroup = cyl,
rnames = summary_stat,
rgroup = per_metric)
if I want to maintain the order of rgroup and rnames but, for example, I want the columns in non-alphabetical order, like this:
4 Gears |3 Gears |5 Gears
How can I do that? Thank you.
CodePudding user response:
What we can do is to make the changes before tidyHtmlTable
How it works:
to factor class- Use
package (it is intidyverse
tidy_summary %>%
arrange(per_metric, summary_stat) %>%
addHtmlTableStyle(align = "r") %>%
mutate(gear = as.factor(gear),
gear = fct_relevel(gear, "4 Gears", "3 Gears", "5 Gears")) %>%
tidyHtmlTable(header = gear,
cgroup = cyl,
rnames = summary_stat,
rgroup = per_metric)