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Very slow PSQL query with several JOINs


I've been having problems with super slow query in PostgreSQL.

DB ER diagram part focused in this problem:

enter image description here

Table culture has 6 records, table microclimate_value has roughly 190k records, table location has 3 records and table crop_yield has roughly 40k records.


SELECT max(cy.value) AS yield, EXTRACT(YEAR FROM cy.date) AS year
FROM microclimate_value AS mv
JOIN culture AS c ON mv.id_culture = c.id
JOIN location AS l ON mv.id_location = l.id
JOIN crop_yield AS cy ON l.id = cy.id_location
WHERE c.id = :cultureId AND l.id = :locationId

This query should result with max value from (crop_yield table) for every year for given :cultureId (primary key from culture table) and :locationId (primary key from location table). It would look something like this (yield == value column from crop_yield table):

        "year": 2014,
        "yield": 0.0
        "year": 2015,
        "yield": 1972.6590590838807
        "year": 2016,
        "yield": 3254.6370785040726
        "year": 2017,
        "yield": 2335.5804000689095
        "year": 2018,
        "yield": 3345.2244602819046
        "year": 2019,
        "yield": 3004.7096788680583
        "year": 2020,
        "yield": 2920.8721807693764
        "year": 2021,
        "yield": 0.0

Enhancement attempt:

Initially, this query took around 10 minutes, so there is some big problem with optimization or with the query itself. The first thing I did was indexing foreign keys in microclimate_value and crop_yield table, which resulted in far better performance, but the query still takes 2-3 minutes to execute.

Does anyone have any tip on how to improve this? I am open for any tips, including changing the whole schema if needed, considering the fact I'm still learning SQL.

Thanks in advance!


  1. Adding EXPLAIN PSQL

enter image description here

  1. Adding second EXPLAIN ANALYZE PSQL after adding indexes: enter image description here

CodePudding user response:

Make some combinations of columns in a single index. I would start with this, to get rid of all the filtering after searching for the data:

CREATE INDEX idx_crop_yield_id_location_year_value ON crop_yield(id_location, (EXTRACT ( YEAR FROM DATE )), value);

CREATE INDEX idx_microclimate_value_id_location_id_culture ON microclimate_value(id_location, id_culture);

Maybe a different order in the columns works better, that's something you have to find out.

I would also leave the unused table "culture" out:

SELECT MAX( cy.VALUE ) AS yield,
    microclimate_value AS mv
        JOIN LOCATION AS l ON mv.id_location = l.ID 
        JOIN crop_yield AS cy ON l.ID = cy.id_location 
    mv.id_culture = : cultureId 
AND l.ID = : locationId 

And after every change in the query or the indexes, run EXPLAIN(ANALYZE, VERBOSE, BUFFERS) again.

CodePudding user response:

Based on your explain analyze there are 10,970 rows of microclimate_value for location=2 and id_culture=1. Also there are 12,316 rows for location=2 in crop_yield.

As there is no other condition for join of those 2 tables, the database has to create in memory a table with 10,970*12,316=135,106,520 rows and then group its results. It might take some time…

I think you are missing some condition in your query. Are you sure there should not be the same date on microclimate_value.date and crop_yield.date? Because, IMHO, without it, the query does not make much sense.

If there's no connection with those dates, then the only information that might be useful in microclimate_value is whether matching location_id=? and culture_id=? exists there:

  max(value) as max_value,
  extract(year from date) as year,
from crop_yield
where location_id=?
  and exists(
    select 1
    from microclimate_value
    where location_id=? and culture_id=?
group by year

You'll either get results, if they match somewhere, or won't get any. The design of this schema seems questionable.

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