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How to restructure event data to dyadic in R


My data looks like this:

ID  Year 
1   1990
2   1990
3   1991
4   1992
5   1995

I want to add six countries to each observation (let's say countries A, B, C, D, E, F). In total, I will have 30 observations. So I expect the data to be like this:

    ID  Year    Country
    1    1990     A
    1    1990     B
    1    1990     C
    1    1990     D
    1    1990     E
    1    1990     F
    2    1990     A
    2    1990     B
    2    1990     C
    2    1990     D
    2    1990     E
    2    1990     F
    3    1991     A
    3    1991     B
    3    1991     C
    3    1991     D
    3    1991     E
    3    1991     F
    4    1992     A
    4    1992     B
    4    1992     C
    4    1992     D
    4    1992     E
    4    1992     F
    5    1995     A
    5    1995     B
    5    1995     C
    5    1995     D
    5    1995     E
    5    1995     F

CodePudding user response:

Base R:

countries <- LETTERS[1:6] # whatever you really have as a vector
out <- merge(dat, data.frame(Country = countries), by = NULL)
out[c(1:3, 28:30),]
#    ID Year Country
# 1   1 1990       A
# 2   2 1990       A
# 3   3 1991       A
# 28  3 1991       F
# 29  4 1992       F
# 30  5 1995       F

Note that this works with data.frame and tbl_df, but data.table::merge does not allow by=NULL for cartesian expansion.


dat <- structure(list(ID = 1:5, Year = c(1990L, 1990L, 1991L, 1992L, 1995L)), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, -5L))

CodePudding user response:

We could use crossing

crossing(df1, Country = LETTERS[1:6])


# A tibble: 30 × 3
      ID  Year Country
   <int> <int> <chr>  
 1     1  1990 A      
 2     1  1990 B      
 3     1  1990 C      
 4     1  1990 D      
 5     1  1990 E      
 6     1  1990 F      
 7     2  1990 A      
 8     2  1990 B      
 9     2  1990 C      
10     2  1990 D      
# … with 20 more rows

Or using base R with rep

out <- cbind(df1[rep(seq_len(nrow(df1)), each = 6),], Country = LETTERS[1:6])


df1 <- structure(list(ID = 1:5, Year = c(1990L, 1990L, 1991L, 1992L, 
1995L)), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, -5L))
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