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Pandas group all aggregates smaller then x


I'm trying to find a way to do a more advanced group by aggregate in pandas. For example:

d = {'name': ['a', 'a', 'b', 'b', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'], 'amount': [2, 5, 2, 3, 7, 2, 4, 1]}
df = pd.DataFrame(data=d)

df_per_category = df.groupby(['name']) \
                             .agg({'amount': ['count',  'sum']}) \
                             .sort_values(by=[('amount', 'count')], ascending=False)

df_per_category[('amount', 'sum')].plot.barh()


count sum
b 3 12
a 2 7
c 1 2
d 1 4
e 1 1

When you have a dataset where 70% of items have just one count and 30% have multiple counts it would be nice if you could group the 70%. At first to begin simple, simply group all the records that have just one count and put them under a name like other. So the result would look like:

count sum
b 3 12
a 2 7
other 3 7

Is there a panda's way to do this? Right now I'm thinking of just looping trough my aggregate result and creating a new dataframe manually.

Current solution:

name = []
count = []
amount = []

aggregates = {
    5: [0, 0],
    10: [0, 0],
    25: [0, 0],
    50: [0, 0],
l = list(aggregates)
first_aggregates = l
last_aggregate = l[-1]   1
aggregates.update({last_aggregate: [0, 0]})

def aggregate_small_values(c):
    n = c.name    
    s = c[('amount', 'sum')]
    c = c[('amount', 'count')]

    if c <= 2:
        if s < last_aggregate:
            for a in first_aggregates:
                if s <= a:
                    aggregates[a][0]  = c
                    aggregates[a][1]  = s
            aggregates[last_aggregate][0]  = c
            aggregates[last_aggregate][1]  = s

df_per_category.apply(aggregate_small_values, axis=1)

for a in first_aggregates:
    name.append(f'{a} and smaller')

name.append(f'{last_aggregate} and bigger')

df_agg = pd.DataFrame(index=name, data={'count': count, 'amount': amount})

df_agg.plot.barh(title='Boodschappen 2021')


yields something like:

enter image description here

CodePudding user response:

If need replace name by other if counts is 1 use Series.duplicated with keep=False:

df.loc[~df['name'].duplicated(keep=False), 'name'] = 'other'
print (df)
    name  amount
0      a       2
1      a       5
2      b       2
3      b       3
4      b       7
5  other       2
6  other       4
7  other       1

If need replace by percenteges, here below 20% is set other use Series.value_counts with normalize=True and then use Series.map for mask with same size like original df:

s = df['name'].value_counts(normalize=True)
print (s)
b    0.375
a    0.250
d    0.125
e    0.125
c    0.125
Name: name, dtype: float64

df.loc[df['name'].map(s).lt(0.2), 'name'] = 'other'
print (df)
    name  amount
0      a       2
1      a       5
2      b       2
3      b       3
4      b       7
5  other       2
6  other       4
7  other       1

For filter by counts, here below 3:

s = df['name'].value_counts()
print (s)
b    3
a    2
d    1
e    1
c    1
Name: name, dtype: int64

df.loc[df['name'].map(s).lt(3), 'name'] = 'other'
print (df)
    name  amount
0  other       2
1  other       5
2      b       2
3      b       3
4      b       7
5  other       2
6  other       4
7  other       1
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