Home > Mobile >  The Android ContentResolver. The problem of query grouping of the query
The Android ContentResolver. The problem of query grouping of the query


as Android version upgrade, source code changes the

The sample code
 ContentResolver resolver=context. GetContentResolver (); 
Cursor Cursor=resolver query (MediaStore. Images. Media. EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI,
New String [] {
MediaStore. Images. Media DATA,
MediaStore. Images. ImageColumns BUCKET_ID,
MediaStore. Images. Media. DATE_MODIFIED
MediaStore. Images. Media. MIME_TYPE + "=? Or + "
MediaStore. Images. Media. MIME_TYPE + "=? Or + "
MediaStore. Images. Media. MIME_TYPE + "=? Or + "
MediaStore. Images. Media. MIME_TYPE + "=?) "
+ "group by (" + MediaStore. Images. ImageColumns. BUCKET_ID,

New String [] {" image/jpeg ", "image/PNG", "image/JPG", "image/GIF"},

MediaStore. Images. Media. DATE_MODIFIED + "asc"
//MediaStore. Images. Media. DATE_MODIFIED + "asc)" (night god test running the back to add a brace)

The problem details
Night god Android5.1
In front of the block of code that run on night god simulator is no problem, I deliberately at the back to add a more parentheses, called the grammatical errors, the following error message is printed query
 SELECT _data while forming, bucket_id date_modified 
The FROM images'
The WHERE (mime_type=? The or mime_type=? The or mime_type=? The or mime_type=?)
Group by (bucket_id)
The ORDER BY date_modified asc)

Remove the back after extra ") "is the correct grammar
 SELECT _data while forming, bucket_id date_modified 
The FROM images'
The WHERE (mime_type=? The or mime_type=? The or mime_type=? The or mime_type=?)
Group by (bucket_id)
The ORDER BY date_modified asc

Question, run on millet 9 without charging a block of code error directly the
Here is an error to print the query, add a few AND, also not enclosed in the group by
 SELECT _data while forming, bucket_id date_modified 
The FROM images'
AND (is_trashed=0)
AND (volume_name IN (' external_primary))
AND ((mime_type=? The or mime_type=? The or mime_type=? The or mime_type=?) Group by (bucket_id))
The ORDER BY date_modified asc

Difference between the following
//night godThe WHERE (mime_type=? The or mime_type=? The or mime_type=? The or mime_type=?)
Group by (bucket_id)

//millet 9
AND (is_trashed=0)
AND (volume_name IN (' external_primary))
AND ((mime_type=? The or mime_type=? The or mime_type=? The or mime_type=?) Group by (bucket_id))

Have to be solved, bosses give directions

Not grouped query, query after traversal cursor when acquiring the folder list, add to heavy operation
//get all the photo collections 
@ RequiresApi (API=Build. VERSION_CODES. Q)
Private ArrayList GetAlbums Context (Context) {
ArrayList Albums=new ArrayList<> (a);
Albums. Add (getNewestPhotos (context));
//using ContentResolver query the database to find all contain pictures folder, save the album list
ContentResolver resolver=context. GetContentResolver ();
Cursor Cursor=resolver query (MediaStore. Images. Media. EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI,
New String [] {
MediaStore. Images. Media DATA,
MediaStore. Images. ImageColumns BUCKET_ID,
MediaStore. Images. Media DATE_MODIFIED},

MediaStore. Images. Media. MIME_TYPE + "=? Or + "
MediaStore. Images. Media. MIME_TYPE + "=? Or + "
MediaStore. Images. Media. MIME_TYPE + "=? Or + "
MediaStore. Images. Media. MIME_TYPE + "=?" ,

New String [] {" image/jpeg ", "image/PNG", "image/JPG", "image/GIF"},

MediaStore. Images. Media. DATE_MODIFIED + "asc"

If (cursor!=null) {
List Dirs=new ArrayList<> (a);
While (cursor. MoveToNext ()) {
Final File File=new File (cursor. Get string (0));
For (String parent: dirs) {
If (parent. EqualsIgnoreCase (file. The getParent ())) {
The continue A;
ImageFolder ImageFolder=new ImageFolder ();
ImageFolder. SetDir (file. The getParent ());
ImageFolder. SetId (cursor. Get string (1));
ImageFolder. SetFirstImagePath (cursor. Get string (0));
Dirs. Add (file. The getParent ());

String [] all=file. GetParentFile (). The list (new FilenameFilter () {

Private Boolean e (String filename, String ends) {
Return the filename. ToLowerCase (). The endsWith (ends);

@ Override
Public Boolean accept (File dir, String filename) {
Return e (filename, "PNG") | | e (filename, "JPG") | | e (filename, "jpeg") | | e (filename, ". GIF ");
If (all!=null & amp; & All the length & gt; 0 {
ImageFolder. SetCount (all. Length);
Albums. Add (imageFolder);
The e (" test ", dirs. ToString ());
Cursor. The close ();

Return albums;

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