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[for] LinkMovementMethod and ScrollingMovementMethod conflict


Good Daniel, I want to achieve on the TextView click on the sentence and two sliding screen scrolling function. Respectively to realize there is no problem, but at the same time to put the two functions together, found to have conflict. Scrolling. Validate feasible solutions.

Click is used: ClickableSpan method
Scrolling is activity_mai. XML added:
Android: maxLines="10"
Android: scrollbars="vertical"
These two properties,

The code is as follows:
Public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
TextView TextView;

@ Override
Protected void onCreate (Bundle savedInstanceState) {

TextView=(textView) the findViewById (R.i d.w word);
TextView. SetText (string2);

SpannableStringBuilder s=new SpannableStringBuilder (textView getText ());
TextView. SetText (s, textView. BufferType. SPANNABLE);
GetEachParagraph (textView);
TextView. SetMovementMethod (LinkMovementMethod getInstance ());
//textView setMovementMethod (ScrollingMovementMethod getInstance ());

Public void getEachParagraph (TextView TextView) {
Spannable spans=(Spannable) textView. GetText ();
The Integer [] indices=getIndices (
TextView. GetText (). The toString (). The trim (), '\ n');
int start=0;
Int the end=0;
//System. Out. Println (" length of indices: "+ indices. Length);
//System. Out. Println (" length of spans: "+ spans. Length ());

for (int i=0; I & lt;=indices. Length; I++) {
System. The out. Println (" indices index: "+ I);
//System. Out. Println (" the start of the beginning: "+ start);
ClickableSpan clickSpan=getClickableSpan (I);
End=(I & lt; Indices. Length? Indices: [I] spans. The length ());
Spans. SetSpan (clickSpan, start, end,
//System. Out. Println (" end of ending: "+ end);
Start=end + 1;
//change the selected text highlighted colors
//textView. SetHighlightColor (Color. ParseColor (" # 0 c83bd "));

Public static Integer [] getIndices (String s, char c) {
Int pos=s.i ndexOf (c, 0);
List Indices=new ArrayList (a);
While (pos!=1) {
Indices. The add (pos);
Pos=s.i ndexOf (c, pos + 1);
Return (Integer []) indices. ToArray (new Integer [0]).

Private ClickableSpan getClickableSpan (final int I) {

Return new ClickableSpan () {
@ Override
Public void onClick (View widget) {
System. The out. Println (" I: "+ I);
TextView TV=(TextView widgets);
String s=TV
The getText ()
SubSequence (TV. GetSelectionStart (),
TV. GetSelectionEnd ()). The toString ();
The e (" onclick - : ", s);

@ Override
Public void updateDrawState TextPaint (ds) {
Ds. SetColor (Color BLACK);
Ds. SetUnderlineText (false);

CodePudding user response:

In front of, if you after setting ScrollingMovementMethod LinkMovementMethod can be replaced, which Span LinkMovementMethod will decide if you Click, then triggers the Click event, and ScrollingMovementMethod: no, you can write a support both the Movement of the class, the reference source assembly,
Or don't ScrollingMovementMethod and sliding through the scrollview

CodePudding user response:

Slightly change
 textView. SetMovementMethod (MyMovement getInstance ()); 

Package my. Study;

The import android. Text. Layout;
The import android. Text. NoCopySpan;
The import android. Text. Selection;
The import android. Text. Spannable;
The import android. Text. Method. LinkMovementMethod;
The import android. Text. Method. MovementMethod;
The import android. Text. Method. ScrollingMovementMethod;
The import android. Text. Style. ClickableSpan;
The import android. View. KeyEvent;
The import android. View. MotionEvent;
The import android. View. The view;
import android.widget.TextView;

Public class MyMovement extends ScrollingMovementMethod {
Private static final ints CLICK=1;
Private static final ints UP=2;
Private static final ints DOWN=3;

@ Override
Public Boolean canSelectArbitrarily () {
return true;

@ Override
Protected Boolean handleMovementKey (TextView widgets, Spannable buffer, int keyCode,
{int movementMetaState, KeyEvent event)
The switch (keyCode) {
{if (KeyEvent. MetaStateHasNoModifiers (movementMetaState))
If (event. GetAction ()==KeyEvent. ACTION_DOWN & amp; &
Event. GetRepeatCount ()==0 & amp; & The action (CLICK, widgets, buffer)) {
return true;
Return super. HandleMovementKey (widgets, buffer, keyCode, movementMetaState, event);

@ Override
Protected Boolean up (TextView widgets, Spannable buffer) {
If (action (UP, widgets, buffer)) {
return true;

Return super. Up (widgets, buffer);

@ Override
Protected Boolean down (TextView widgets, Spannable buffer) {
If (action (DOWN, widgets, buffer)) {
return true;

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