Void MotorController: : connect_serial ()//slot function, the corresponding signal is connect_device button click ()
Foreach (const QSerialPortInfo & amp; Sinfo, QSerialPortInfo: : availablePorts ()) {
MCSP - & gt; SetPort (sinfo);//MCSP is a pointer to the QSerialPort class
MCSP - & gt; Open (QIODevice: : ReadWrite);
QByteArray checkDevice;
QString2Hex (" 02504 d50312f313030300d0a ", checkDevice);//convert the string into hexadecimal character groups
MCSP - & gt; Write (checkDevice);
If (check_serial ())
Bool MotorController: : check_serial ()//check if connected to the target device
Bool check_link=0;
QByteArray wished_reply;
QString2Hex (43 09 50 "4 d 50 31 0 0 a" d, wished_reply);
QByteArray readAnswer;
ReadAnswer=* buf;//buf is defined as: QByteArray * buf=new QByteArray; From serial port is used to store the data received
ShowLinkStatus - & gt; SetText (readAnswer);//showLinkStatus is a QLabel, initial state what words are not
If (readAnswer!=wished_reply)
MCSP - & gt; Close ();
The else {
Connect_device - & gt; Hide ();
Return check_link;
Void MotorController: : the read_data ()//this is readyRead () signal connection slot
* buf=MCSP - & gt; ReadAll ();
After the operation found the equipment doesn't receive all checkDevice command, showLinkStatus without any text, connect_device is not hidden,
Then the check_serial function make the following changes in the if statement
If (readAnswer!=wished_reply)
/* MCSP - & gt; Close () */.
The else {
Connect_device - & gt; Hide ();
Run again found equipment successfully received the command (turntable rotation), but there is no any text, showLinkStatus connect_device is not hidden,
Then rewrite the code
QByteArray MotorController: : the read_data ()
QByteArray buf1;
Buf1=MCSP - & gt; ReadAll ();
Return buf1;
Void MotorController: : connect_serial ()
Foreach (const QSerialPortInfo & amp; Sinfo, QSerialPortInfo: : availablePorts ()) {
MCSP - & gt; SetPort (sinfo);
MCSP - & gt; Open (QIODevice: : ReadWrite);
QByteArray checkDevice;
QString2Hex (" 02504 d50312f313030300d0a ", checkDevice);
MCSP - & gt; Write (checkDevice);
If (check_serial ())
Bool MotorController: : check_serial ()
Bool check_link=0;
QByteArray wished_reply;
QString2Hex (43 09 50 "4 d 50 31 0 0 a" d, wished_reply);
QByteArray readAnswer;
ReadAnswer=read_data ();
ShowLinkStatus - & gt; SetText (readAnswer);
If (readAnswer!=wished_reply)
/* MCSP - & gt; Close () */.
The else {
Connect_device - & gt; Hide ();
Return check_link;
After the operation found: according to the next connect_device, turntable rotation but showLinkStatus without any text, connect_device no hidden; According to the second time that turntable rotation, showLinkStatus appear normal text, connect_device hidden,
If the MCSP - & gt; Close () is not commented out three kinds of code can make turntable rotation, and there was no text, showLinkStatus connect_device no hidden
Excuse me you appear what is the cause of the above situation, I want to be after the first press connect_device reached turntable rotation, showLinkStatus appear normal text, connect_device hidden such effect change how to do?
Wish you a great god glad,
CodePudding user response:
You can specify a serial port a try, don't enumerate all of the serial port to sendCodePudding user response: