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Want to be a gathers self-taught programmer how hard is it?


Isn't my choice there is a problem, a began to learn c + +, and then picked a qt interface, what all don't understand, can write some simple things ran to find work and feel I what all not, someone said to me want to be a programmer, not so hard but all I see is really very difficult, it seems as if it all sorts of performance in told me, gathers the I don't want you are not a class, the c + + has no experience I don't, I don't want to self-study, is that I am impatient for success, not the actual project experience, is all some eyes of the nature of things, but calling request to it for a while, will... , skilled... , proficient in... Where, I know I what? Wu then sealed one by one, I don't know how to judge, I will use the database, I'll use TCP, udp communication, multithreading I also will do, and I know I can do these are just some of the fur, every single out some time to really good, I also very vegetables,
Or, just me out of the comfort zone? I put the simple things to learn about? The next to go to learn complex? I don't know, I only know if others value project experience, like others value work experience, or, not like, but is the value of these, or is my personal problem? I don't know what I can do it, so I have no confidence? I don't know, I have what all don't know, now I feel is my self just like never learn, never close to me and programmers,
Still say, I'm really not suitable for self-study? I just want to vent? I don't know, I only know that I very vegetables, very vegetables,
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