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Appium true machine automation app can't be started, an error, solving


An unknown server-side error occurred while processing the command. Original error: Cannot start the 'com.gzch.lsplat.bitdog' application. Visit https://github.com/appium/appium/blob/master/docs/en/writing-running-appium/android/activity-startup.md for troubleshooting. Original error: Error executing adbExec. Original error: 'Command 'E:\\Android_SDK\\android-sdk\\platform-tools\\adb.exe -P 5037 -s 5LM7N16531004714 shell am start -W -n 'com.gzch.lsplat.bitdog/.ui.activity.MainActivity t1137' -S' exited with code 4294967295'; Stderr: 'Security exception: Permission ": starting Intent {act=android. Intent. Action. The MAIN cat=[android. Intent. The category. The LAUNCHER] FLG=0 x10000000 PKG=t1137 CMP=com. GZCH. Lsplat. Bitdog/. UI. Activity. The MainActivity} from null (uid=pid=12137, 2000) the not exported from the uid 10148

Java. Lang. SecurityException: Permission ": starting Intent {act=android. Intent. Action. The MAIN cat=[android. Intent. The category. The LAUNCHER] FLG=0 x10000000 PKG=t1137 CMP=com. GZCH. Lsplat. Bitdog/. UI. Activity. The MainActivity} from null (uid=pid=12137, 2000) the not exported from the uid 10148
At com. Android. Server. Am. ActivityStackSupervisor. CheckStartAnyActivityPermission (ActivityStackSupervisor. Java: 1877)
At com. Android. Server. Am. ActivityStarter. StartActivity (ActivityStarter. Java: 607)
At com. Android. Server. Am. ActivityStarter. StartActivityLocked (ActivityStarter. Java: 366)
At com. Android. Server. Am. HwActivityStarter. StartActivityLocked (HwActivityStarter. Java: 227)
At com. Android. Server. Am. ActivityStarter. StartActivityMayWait (ActivityStarter. Java: 1155)
At com. Android. Server. Am. HwActivityStarter. StartActivityMayWait (HwActivityStarter. Java: 372)
At com. Android. Server. Am. ActivityManagerService. StartActivityAndWait (ActivityManagerService. Java: 5135)
At com. Android. Server. Am. ActivityManagerShellCommand. RunStartActivity (ActivityManagerShellCommand. Java: 405)
At com. Android. Server. Am. ActivityManagerShellCommand. OnCommand (ActivityManagerShellCommand. Java: 141)
. An android OS. ShellCommand. Exec (ShellCommand. Java: 96)
At com. Android. Server. Am. ActivityManagerService. OnShellCommand (ActivityManagerService. Java: 16149)
. An android OS. Binder. ShellCommand (574) Binder. Java:
. An android OS. Binder. OnTransact (474) Binder. Java:
. An android app. IActivityManager $Stub. OnTransact (IActivityManager. Java: 4285)
At com. Android. Server. Am. ActivityManagerService. OnTransact (ActivityManagerService. Java: 3286)
At com. Android. Server. Am. HwActivityManagerService. OnTransact (HwActivityManagerService. Java: 837)
. An android OS. Binder. ExecTransact (Binder. Java: 675) '; Code: '4294967295'

"DeviceName" : "5 lm7n16531004714,"
"PlatformName" : "Android",
"AppPackage" : "com. GZCH. Lsplat. Bitdog",
"AppActivity" : ". The UI. The activity. MainActivity t1137 ",
"PlaformVersion" : "8.0.0
Parameters as above,

CodePudding user response:

Java. Lang. SecurityException: Permission ": starting Intent
less permissions

CodePudding user response:

MainActivity is not open, please make sure your launcher in the Mainfest MainActivity

CodePudding user response:

Lack of authority

CodePudding user response:

I this is real machine automation, UI. Activity. The MainActivity t1137 this is program entrance, don't know the android development

CodePudding user response:

You this activity is wrong, how can have such. UI. Activity. The MainActivity t1137, behind the t1137 has a problem, the activity will not have the space to add t1137

CodePudding user response:

By the adb shell dumpsys Windows Windows | findstr searches mFocusedApp get all formats are own