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How to limit a full join by date


Our database is on SQL Server 2014. I had the exact same issue as SQL join table to itself to get data for previous year, and was so happy to find the answer. So I setup my query:

select distinct 
    coalesce (a.year, b.year 1) [Year]
  , coalesce(a.Month, b.Month) [Month]
  , coalesce(a.account, b.account) [Account]
  , case when a.sales > 0
        then a.sales
        else 0 end [Sales MTD]
  , case when b.sales > 0
        then b.sales
        else 0 end [Sales Previous Year]
  , (case when b.sales!= 0
        then cast((case when a.sales > 0
                then a.sales
                else 0 end-b.sales)/b.sales*100 as decimal(10,1))
        else 0 end) [% Difference]
  , sum(a.sales) over (Partition by a.account, a.year order by a.month) [Account Sales YTD]
from yourtable a
      full join yourtable b 
            on  a.account = b.account
            and a.month = b.month
            and a.year = b.year 1

The output is giving me results for months in 2022 that haven't happened yet (and starting 2023 too). https://dbfiddle.uk/?rdbms=sqlserver_2014&fiddle=9a2c29f1af08f525a1acee16b0efa2fd

I tried adding and b.[year] 1<=year(getdate()) to my join filters, but that doesn't seem to affect output at all. I also tried writing a where clause, that ended up with a case that made my head spin.

How can I prevent future dates from showing up in the end result? Bonus question: Can I make my YTD calculation accept a 0 as a value for any lines added due to sales history?

CodePudding user response:

Add a WHERE clause

where datefromparts(coalesce(a.year, b.year 1), coalesce(a.Month, b.Month), 1) <= cast(getdate() as date) 

CodePudding user response:

if I've understood correctly, you need a left outer join, as you care when you have records in one table but not both.

CodePudding user response:

Narrow the list of relevant rows prior to doing the full join.

with A as (
    select *
    from tableA
    where ...
), B as (
    select *
    from tableB
    where ...
select * from A full outer join B on ...

You could also just do this inline:

select *
    (select * from tableA where ...) as A
    full outer join
    (select * from tableB where ...) as B

EDIT: If you "pre-filter" the data within relevant dates you don't need to do the awkward coalesced checks later:

with A as (
    select year, month, account, sales
    from yourtable
    -- if there's no future data then this whole cte may be unnecessary
    where year < year(getdate())
       or year = year(getdate()) and month <= month(getdate())
), B as (
    select year   1 as year, month, account, sales
    from yourtable 
    where year < year(getdate()) - 1
       or year = year(getdate()) - 1 and month <= month(getdate())
    coalesce(a.year, b.year) [Year]
  , coalesce(a.Month, b.Month) [Month]
  , coalesce(a.account, b.account) [Account]
  , sum(a.sales) over (Partition by a.account, a.year order by a.month) [Account Sales YTD]  
from A full outer join B
    on  a.account = b.account
    and a.month = b.month
    and a.year = b.year
order by 1, 2


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