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[NSInvocation getArgument: atIndex:] :


IOS launched testFlight download the normal operation, the personnel flash back there every time start
Current test environment: iOS13.3 machine: iPhone6s, iPhone7Plus, iPhone, 11 iOS13.3 simulator: iPhoneXR, the Air 3 rd
 CoreFoundation __CFBundleDlfcnGetSymbolByNameWithSearch + 136 
1 libobjc. A. d. ylib objc_exception_throw + 60
2 CoreFoundation - [NSMutableArray setOrderedSet:] + 428
3 CoreFoundation + [NSMethodSignature signatureWithObjCTypes:] + 1020
4 CoreFoundation - [NSMutableArray initWithObjects: count:] + 92
5 CoreFoundation _CF_forwarding_prep_0 + 96
6 Foundation + [NSISVariable variableMarkingConstraint: valueRestriction: shouldBeMinimized:] + 108
7 UIKitCore - [_UIButtonBarSpacerLayout cxx_destruct] + 92
8 UIKitCore - [UITutorialAnimatedView _setPackage:] + 72
9 UIKitCore - [_UIButtonBarItemGroupLayout _addLayoutViews:] + 128
10 UIKitCore - [_UIButtonBarButtonVisualProviderIOS button: traitCollectionDidChange:] + 416
11 UIKitCore - [_UIButtonBarButtonVisualProviderIOS configureButton: fromBarButtonItem:] + 1740
12 UIKitCore - [_UIButtonBarButtonVisualProviderIOS _defaultPaddingForInsets:] + 72
13 UIKitCore __finalAttributesFromSources + 276
14 UIKitCore - [UIBarButtonItemGroup initWithBarButtonItems: representativeItem:] + 124
15 UIKitCore - [UIBarButtonItemGroup initWithCoder:] + 104
16 UIKitCore - [UIKBEditingGesturesIntroduction framedViewWithEmbeddedImageNamed: ofType:] + 192
17 UIKitCore - [UIKBEditingGesturesIntroduction framedViewWithEmbeddedImageNamed: ofType:] + 572
18 UIKitCore - [_UITAMICAdaptorView initWithView:] + 688
19 UIKitCore - [_UITAMICAdaptorView setSizingPriority:] + 36
20 UIKitCore - [UIKBEditingGesturesIntroduction framedViewWithEmbeddedImageNamed: ofType:] + 408
21 UIKitCore - [_UIButtonBarButtonVisualProviderIOS _configureImageOrTitleFromBarButtonItem: compact:] + 888
22 UIKitCore - [_UIButtonBarButtonVisualProviderIOS _titleContentForTitle:] + 228
23 UIKitCore - [UIScrollView _getPagingDecelerationOffset: forTimeInterval:] + 1748
24 UIKitCore - [UIScrollView _getBouncingDecelerationOffset: forTimeInterval: lastUpdateOffset: min: Max: decelerationFactor: decelerationLnFactor: velocity:] + 628
25 UIKitCore - [UIScrollView _getBouncingDecelerationOffset: forTimeInterval: lastUpdateOffset: min: Max: decelerationFactor: decelerationLnFactor: velocity:] + 344
26 UIKitCore - [UIScrollView _getBouncingDecelerationOffset: forTimeInterval: lastUpdateOffset: min: Max: decelerationFactor: decelerationLnFactor: velocity:] + 344
27 UIKitCore - [UIScrollView _getBouncingDecelerationOffset: forTimeInterval: lastUpdateOffset: min: Max: decelerationFactor: decelerationLnFactor: velocity:] + 344
28 UIKitCore - [UIScrollView _getBouncingDecelerationOffset: forTimeInterval: lastUpdateOffset: min: Max: decelerationFactor: decelerationLnFactor: velocity:] + 344
29 UIKitCore - [UIScrollView _getBouncingDecelerationOffset: forTimeInterval: lastUpdateOffset: min: Max: decelerationFactor: decelerationLnFactor: velocity:] + 344
30 Foundation - [NSLayoutConstraint _effectiveConstant: error:] + 32
31 UIKitCore - [UIScrollView _smoothScrollWithUpdateTime:] + 464
32 UIKitCore - [UIScrollView setContentInset:] + 16
33 UIKitCore - [UIScrollView _popTrackingRunLoopModeIfNecessaryForReason:] + 52
34 UIKitCore - [UIWebBrowserView installGestureRecognizers] + 56
35 UIKitCore - [UITextGestureClusterLinkInteract smallDelayRecognizer:] + 284
36 UIKitCore - [UIKeyboardImpl updateKeyboardOutput: withInputForSmartPunctuation: keyboardConfiguration:] + 216
37 UIKitCore - [UIWebClip applicationLaunchURL] + 8
38 UIKitCore ___55 - [UIKeyboardImpl handleKeyboardInput: -- an optional executionContext:] _block_invoke_2 + 212
39 UIKitCore - [UIKeyboardImpl handleKeyCommand: repeatOkay: beforePublicKeyCommands: testOnly:] + 3040
40 UIKitCore - [_UIFocusRegionContainerProxy initWithItemContainer:] + 8
41 UIKitCore + [_UIFocusRegion __regionsByEvaluatingOcclusionsForBaseRegions: occludingRegions: baseRegionsCanOccludeEachOther:] + 256
42 UIKitCore - [_UIFocusRegionContainerProxy cxx_destruct] + 8
43 UIKitCore __UIFocusRegionContainerFromItemContainer + 108
44 UIKitCore - [_UIFocusPromiseRegion _visualRepresentationPatternType] + 92
45 UIKitCore ___48 - [_UIFocusItemRegion _visualRepresentationColor] _block_invoke + 244
46 UIKitCore __UISnapshotScreenAtViewRectAfterCommit + 580
47 UIKitCore - [UISearchController _presentingViewControllerWillChange:] + 1172
48 UIKitCore - [_UIRotatingAlertController _presentingViewControllerWillChange:] + 180
49 UIKitCore - [_UITextContainerView textContainer] + 8
50 UIKitCore - [UITextField at _updateAutosizeStyleIfNeeded] + 492
51 UIKitCore + [UITextEffectsWindow sharedTextEffectsWindowForWindowScene:] + 184
52 UIKitCore ___71 - [_UIViewControllerClickPreviewingContext _uiActionsForPreviewActions:] _block_invoke + 20
53 UIKitCore - [_UIAppearanceRecorder _applyCustomizations] + 1724
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  • iOS
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