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SQL JOIN: Select records by joining two tables by an array of ids usin IN or ANY()


is it possible to join two tables using an array of ids in the first table?


orders table

create table orders
  id UUID DEFAULT uuid_generate_v4(),
  user_id INT REFERENCES users (id),
  products_ids JSON NOT NULL,
  checkout_date TIMESTAMP DEFAULT NOW()

products table

create table products
  id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, -- some other columns 
some records example

orders table

id user_id products_ids checkout_date
0872ffb5-e347-447c-8b28-59368409cb84 1 [1,2] 1644863659550

products table

id title other columns
1 'Lorem'
2 'Ipsum'

I want to join the two tables by products_ids like

FROM orders AS o 
  INNER JOIN products AS p ON p.id = ANY(o.products_ids) 
WHERE o.usre_id = 1 
ORDER BY o.checkout_date

CodePudding user response:

The correct solution is to properly normalize your data model and create a regular many-to-many relationship table.

However if you do want to go down the rabbit hole and use a de-normalized model, a native int[] array is slightly less bad than using a JSON column:

If product_ids is defined as int[] then indeed you can use the =any(...) operator:

select o.id, o.user_id, o.checkout_date, p.name
from orders o 
  join products p on p.id = any(o.product_ids);

Online example

If you do insist on using JSON, then you can use a JSON/Path query to define the join condition:

select o.id, o.user_id, o.checkout_date, p.name
from orders o 
  join products p on jsonb_path_exists(product_ids, '$[*] ? (@ == $id)', jsonb_build_object('id', p.id))


select o.id, o.user_id, o.checkout_date, p.name
from orders o 
  join products p on o.product_ids @@ ('$[*] == '||p.id::text)::jsonpath

This assumes that product_ids is defined as jsonb, not a json column.

Online example

But again: the correct solution is to use a properly normalized data model.

CodePudding user response:

In mysql, you use JSON_TABLE for this:

select orders.id, products.title from orders
join json_table(orders.product_ids,"$[*]" COLUMNS(product_id int path "$")) order_products
join products on products.id=order_products.product_id


https://stackoverflow.com/a/61732970/17389 may show how to do this in postgres, but I don't know enough about postgres's json support to say how performant it will be.

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