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The Android studio development integration pay treasure to pay function (barcode, sweep code to pay)


Private static final String APP_ID="APP_ID";
Private AlipayClient AlipayClient;
Private static final String APP_PRIVATE_KEY="key";
Private static final String APP_PUBLIC_KEY="pay treasure to public";
@ Override
Protected void onCreate (Bundle savedInstanceState) {
The setContentView (R.l ayout. Activity_main);
AlipayClient=new DefaultAlipayClient (" https://openapi.alipay.com/gateway.do ", APP_ID, APP_PRIVATE_KEY, "json", "GBK", APP_PUBLIC_KEY);

//barcode pay
Final AlipayTradePayRequest request=new AlipayTradePayRequest ();
Request. SetBizContent ({" + "
"" out_trade_no \ ": " 20150320010101001 \ ", "+
"" scene \ ": " bar_code, wave_code \ ", "+
"" auth_code \ ": " 28763443825664394 \ ", "+
The subject \ '\' \ ": " Iphone6 16 g, "" +
Seller_id "" \ ", \ "", "2088102146225135 +
Total_amount \ "" + ": 88.88,"
Discountable_amount \ "" + ": 8.88,"
Undiscountable_amount \ "" + ": 80.00,"
The body \ '\' \ ": " Iphone6 16 g, "" +
"" goods_detail \ ": [{" +
Goods_id "" \ ", \ "apple - 01 ", "+
"" alipay_goods_id \ ": " 20010001 \ ", "+
Goods_name "" \ ", \ "it ", "+
Quantity \ "" ": 1, +"
Price, \ '\' ": 2000, +
""" goods_category \ ": " 34543238 \ ", "+
"" body \ ": " special phone \ ", "+
Show_url "" \ ", \ "http://www.alipay.com/xxx.jpg" + "
}], "+"
Operator_id "" \ ", \ "yx_001 ", "+
NJ_001 store_id "" \ ": " \ ", "+
"" terminal_id \ ": " NJ_T_001 \ ", "+
"" alipay_store_id \ ": " 2016041400077000000003314986 \ ", "+
"" extend_params \ ": {" +
"" sys_service_provider_id \ ": " 2088511833207846 \ ", "+
"" hb_fq_num \ ": \ ", "3 +"
"" hb_fq_seller_percent \ ": " 100 \ "" +
"}, "+
"" timeout_express \ ": " m \ ", "90 +
"" royalty_info \ ": {" +
"" royalty_type \ ": " ROYALTY \ ", "+
"" royalty_detail_infos \ ": [{" +
Serial_no \ "" ": 1, +"
"" trans_in_type \ ": " userId \ ", "+
Batch_no "" \ ", \ "", "123 +
"" out_relation_id \ ": " 20131124001 \ ", "+
"" trans_out_type \ ": " userId \ ", "+
"" trans_out \ ": " 2088101126765726 \ ", "+
"" trans_in \ ": " 2088101126708402 \ ", "+
Amount \ "" + ": 0.1,"
Desc "" \ ", \ "the fashionable test 1 ", "+
"" amount_percentage \ ": " 100 \ "" +
"}] + "
"}, "+
"" sub_merchant \ ": {" +
Merchant_id "" \ ", \ "19023454 " "+
"} + "
"} ");
New Thread (new Runnable () {
@ Override
Public void the run () {
Try {
AlipayTradePayResponse response=alipayClient. Execute (request);
Response System. Out. Println (" result "+ response. GetBuyerPayAmount ());
} the catch (AlipayApiException e) {

//scan code to pay
The findViewById (R.i db t_sm). SetOnClickListener (new View. An OnClickListener () {
@ Override
Public void onClick (View v) {
Final AlipayTradePrecreateRequest request=new AlipayTradePrecreateRequest ();//create the corresponding request API class
Request. SetBizContent ({" + "
"" out_trade_no \ ": " 20150320010101002 \ ", "+
Total_amount \ "" + ": 88.88,"
The subject \ '\' \ ": " Iphone6 16 g, "" +
NJ_001 store_id "" \ ": " \ ", "+
"" timeout_express \ ": " m \ ", "90 +
"} ");//set the business parameters
New Thread (new Runnable () {
@ Override
Public void the run () {
Try {
AlipayTradePrecreateResponse response=alipayClient. Execute (request);
System. The out. Println (" result="+ response. GetQrCode ());
} the catch (AlipayApiException e) {
System. The out. Println (" enter the exception ");
The e (" 1 ", "Exception:" + Log. GetStackTraceString (e));


CodePudding user response:

The building Lord solved? I also encountered such a problem

CodePudding user response:

Hello, your problem solved, how to solve?

CodePudding user response:

Didn't you solve, back to a message

CodePudding user response:

Oh my god, the building Lord really solve, I also is the problem

CodePudding user response:

The building Lord, you solved this problem?

CodePudding user response:

AlipayClient. Execute (request); . Will quote the Java beans package can't find bosses how to solve the
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