I'm pretty new to Haskell and am trying to find the max value in a list of lists that contain type Numbers. Numbers is defined as:
data Numbers = StrNumber String | IntNumber Int
deriving (Show, Read, Eq)
I already have a function that finds the max int value in a list of lists of type int.
nested_max :: [[Int]] -> Int
nested_max [] = minBound::Int
nested_max list = maxL (map maxL list)
maxL xs = foldr gt (minBound::Int) xs
gt x y = if x < y then y else x
And can use getInt to convert Numbers to ints.
getInt x = read x::Int
I've been trying to map getInt to every value in the list being passed in and then applying nested_max on that list, but keep getting errors.
This is what I've been trying:
getInt x = read x::Int
to_int :: [[Numbers]] -> [[Int]]
to_int list = map (\x-> getInt x) list
An example of what the program should do is...
Input: find_max_number [[StrNumber "9",IntNumber 2,IntNumber 8],[StrNumber "4",IntNumber 5],[IntNumber 6,StrNumber "7"],[],[StrNumber "8"]]
Output: 9
CodePudding user response:
The following is my attempt:
data Numbers
= StrNumber String
| IntNumber Int
nestedMax :: [[Numbers]] -> Int
nestedMax = maximum' . map maxL
where maxL = maximum' . map toInt
toInt :: Numbers -> Int
toInt (StrNumber x) = read x
toInt (IntNumber x) = x
maximum' :: (Bounded a, Ord a) => [a] -> a
maximum' l -- maximum but output minBound when []
| null l = minBound
| otherwise = maximum l
main = do
print $ nestedMax [[StrNumber "9",IntNumber 2,IntNumber 8],[StrNumber "4",IntNumber 5],[IntNumber 6,StrNumber "7"],[],[StrNumber "8"]] -- 9
print $ nestedMax [] -- -9223372036854775808
I hope the code is straightforward...