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Integration Vitamio player's problems


Write a player application these days (imitation system player + integrated Vitamio player)
Playback process is like this, when playing a video, imitation system player can play, with imitation system player, if you can't play go to play on the player that integrated Vitamio,

Through testing found that jump to integrated Vitamio players play, in the Android8 broadcast video times wrong
Also test the official Demo when play the video at the same error
Java. Lang. UnsatisfiedLinkError: Expecting an absolute path of the library: libstlport_shared. So

Java. Lang. UnsatisfiedLinkError: No implementation found for void IO. Vov. Vitamio. MediaPlayer. Native_init () (tried Java_io_vov_vitamio_MediaPlayer_native_1init and Java_io_vov_vitamio_MediaPlayer_native_1init__)

Two problems to be resolved now
1. Jump to integrate Vitamio players play video, error how to solve?
2. Play m3u8 can only hear the sound, can't see the video images, how to solve?

Have met this kind of problem?

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