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SAS proc freq of multiple tables into a single one


I have the following dataset in SAS;

City  grade1  grade2  grade3
NY      A.      A.      A
CA.     B.      A.      C
CO.     A.      B.      B

I would "combine" the three variables grades and get a proc freq that tells me the number of grades for each City; the expected output should therefore be:

     A.    B.   C
NY   3.    0.   0
CA.  1.    1.   1 
CO.  1.    2.   0

How could I do that in SAS?

CodePudding user response:

Quite a few steps but it gives the expected result.

*-- Creating sample data --*;
data have;
infile datalines delimiter="|";
input City $ grade1 $ grade2 $ grade3 $;

*-- Sorting in order to use the transpose procedure --*;
proc sort data=have; by city; quit;

*-- Transposing from wide to tall format --*;
proc transpose data=have out=stage1(rename=(col1=grade) drop= _name_);
by city;
var grade:;

*-- Assigning a value to 1 for each record for later sum --*;
data stage2;
set stage1;
val = 1;

*-- Tabulate to create val_sum --*;
ods exclude all; *turn off default tabulate print;
proc tabulate data=stage2 out=stage3;
class city grade;
var val;
table city,grade*sum=''*val='';
ods select all; *turn on;

*-- Transpose back using val_sum --*;
proc transpose data=stage3 out=stage4(drop=_name_);
by city;
id grade;
var val_sum;

*-- Replace missing values by 0 to achieve desired output --*;
proc stdize data=stage4 out=want reponly missing=0;run;
City  A B C
 CA   1 1 1
 CO   1 2 0
 NY   3 0 0

CodePudding user response:

In general:

  • Transpose data to a long format
  • Use PROC FREQ with the SPARSE option to generate the counts
  • Save the output from PROC FREQ to a data set
  • Transpose the output from PROC FREQ to the desired output format
*create sample data;
data have;
input City $  grade1 $ grade2 $ grade3 $;
NY     A      A      A
CA     B      A      C
CO     A      B      B

proc sort data=have; by City;run;

*transpose to long format;
proc transpose data=have out=want1 prefix=Grade;
by City;
var grade1-grade3;

*displayed output and counts;
proc freq data=want1;
table City*Grade1 / sparse out=freq norow nopercent nocol;

*output table in desird format;
proc transpose data=freq out=want2;
by city;
id Grade1;
var count;
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