Home > Mobile >  Confused android8.1 open single weave systemui error can't find the reference the package
Confused android8.1 open single weave systemui error can't find the reference the package


Can all make up is too slow, single mmma error as follows, for the great spirit show thanks

The import com. Jcraft always be resolved

Proguard. Flags:
 - keep class com. Android. Systemui. The statusbar. Policy. KeyButtonView {
Public float getDrawingAlpha ();
Public void setDrawingAlpha (float);
- libraryjars libs/Commons - IO - 2.6. Jar
- libraryjars libs/JSCH - 0.1.52. Jar
- libraryjars libs/slf4j - android - 1.7.26. Jar
- libraryjars libs/slf4j - API - 1.7.26. Jar
- dontwarn com. Jcraft. JSCH. * *
- dontwarn com. Jcraft. * *
- keep the class com. Jcraft. JSCH. {* * *; }
- keep the interface com. Jcraft. JSCH. {* * *; }
- keep the class com. Android. Systemui. The statusbar. Policy. KeyButtonRipple {
Public float getGlowAlpha ();
Public float getGlowScale ();
Public void setGlowAlpha (float);
Public void setGlowScale (float);

- keep the class com. Android. Systemui. The statusbar. Car. CarStatusBar
- keep the class com. Android. Systemui. The statusbar. Phone. The statusbar
- keep the class com. Android. Systemui. The statusbar. TV. TvStatusBar
- keep the class com. Android. Systemui. Car. CarSystemUIFactory
- keep the class com. Android. Systemui. SystemUIFactory

- keepclassmembers class * * {
Public void onBusEvent (* *);
Public void onInterprocessBusEvent (* *);
- keepclassmembers class extends * * * *. EventBus $InterprocessEvent {
The public & lt; init> (android. OS. Bundle);

- keep the class com. Android. Systemui. Recents. Views. TaskView {
Public int getDim ();
Public void setDim (int);
Public float getTaskProgress ();
Public void setTaskProgress (float);

- keepclasseswithmembers class * {
The public & lt; init> (android. The content. The Context, android. Util. AttributeSet);

- keep the class * * extends android. Support. V14. Preference. PreferenceFragment
- keep the class com. Android. Systemui. Tuner. *
- keep the class com. Android. Systemui. Plugins. * * {
Public protected *;
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