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Mobile phone APP project summary test points


phone APP project test point summary

(application software) for mobile phone project, mainly for the system test,

And in view of the mobile phone application software system test, we usually work from several angles to carry out the test:

Function module test
Crossover event test
The performance test
Safety test
Capacity test
Compatibility test
The interface test
Ease of use/user experience test
Hardware environment test
Install/uninstall test
Upgrade/update test

1, the function module test:
According to software requirements specification or user needs to verify whether every function of the app, and evaluate the function test process is realized by using the following methods:

With time, place, object, behavior, and the background of five elements, or business analysis and other methods, refining the app user usage scenarios, description and requirements of sorting out the internal and external, and not directly related to demand function, build test points and use case, and define the test standards, unless otherwise stipulated in the user's needs clear standards to follow, you will need to refer to industry or relevant international standards or guidelines,
Tested according to the characteristics of function point lists the corresponding types of test cases to cover, such as: involves the need to consider the equivalent input, boundary, negative, abnormal or illegal, scene is rolled back, the test of correlation test type on the cover,
At the different stages of the test implementation tracking test coverage situation of implementation and the demand input, timely correct understanding the business or demand,

1) App installation after the completion of the trial run, it can be normal open software,
2) open the test App, whether to have loading status progress indication,
3) App to open the test speed, speed is substantial,
4) are the switching between the App page is fluent, correct logic
5) register

- with the form editor page
- the user name password length
Tip - after registration page
- registration page at the front desk and backstage management page data are consistent
After registration, in the background management page tip

6) login

- use legitimate user login system,
- the system whether to allow illegal landing for many times, if there is a number of limitations,
- use have login account login system is properly handle,
- use disable account login system is properly handle,
- the user name and password (password) will be landing when errors or filling,
, remove, or modify the user, the user login,
- do not enter a user password and user, repeat points (determine or cancel button) whether to allow login,
- after landing, the landing page information,
- page has a cancel button,
The processing of landing - timeout,

7) cancellation

- the cancellation of the original modules, a new module system can correctly handle,
- terminated cancellation can return to the original modules, the original user,
New user's system, the cancellation of the original user can correctly handle,
- use the wrong account number, password, without permission of disabled account cancellation

Taiwan before and after the application of switching

1) the APP to switch to the background, and then back to the APP, check whether to stay in the last operation interface,

2) the APP to switch to the background, and then back to the APP, check the function and application state is normal, ios and the version of the ios 5 processing mechanism and some different,

3) app to switch to the background, and then back to the front desk, pay attention to whether the program crashes, function is normal, especially to switch back to the foreground from the background data are automatically updated,

4) mobile phone after the lock screen XieBing into the app note will collapse, function is normal, especially to switch back to the foreground from the background data are automatically updated,

5) when the App in use process in the interrupt and then switch to the App, the phone function is normal

6) when the kill app process, then open the app, the app can be normal boot,

7) must be dealt with after the prompt dialog box, switch to the background, and then switch back, check whether the prompt dialog box is still exists, sometimes will be applied automatically skip the prompt dialog box,

8) for a page with data exchange, each page must be in Taiwan before and after switching, lock screen test, the page is the most easy to collapse,

Avoid login

Many applications provide free login function, when the application opens automatically to the last login user identity to use app.

1) the app is free login function, need to consider the IOS version difference,

2) considering the network situations can normal login into the free state,

3) switch after the user login to check the user login information and data content is update, ensure that the original user exit,

4) according to the existing rules of MTOP, an account login only allows one machine, so need to check the status of an account login more than one mobile phone, mobile phone users need to be kicked out, give a friendly reminder,

5) the app to switch to the background, and then cut back to the front desk check

6) to switch to the background, and then switch back to the front desk test

7) after the password change, check if there is data exchange to carry on the valid identity check

8) to support the application of the automatic login in for data exchange, check whether system can automatic login successful and data operation and correct,

9) check the user logged out after actively, next to start the app, should stay on the login screen

Data update

According to the application of business rules, and the amount of data updating, to determine the optimal data update scheme,

1) need to determine which parts of the world need to provide a manual refresh, which places need to refresh automatically, which places need to manually + automatically refresh,

2) determine which local switch back to the foreground from the background to the data update,

3) according to the business, and the reasonable distribution of the velocity and flow rate, determine what content need to be updated in real time, and what needs to be updated regularly,

4) determine the processing logic of data display part, every time is from the service request, or to the local cache, it can be targeted for corresponding tests,

5) check there is data exchange, all have the corresponding exception handling,

Offline browsing

Many applications will support offline browsing, namely in the local client part will cache the data for the user to see,

1) in the network can browse the local data

2) to exit the app again when you start the app can browse

3) switch to the background and then cut back to the front desk can browse

4) lock screen XieBing again after back to application at the front desk can browse

5) on the data from the server for updates will give offline corresponding tip

App update

1) when the client has the new version, there are updates,

2) when the version is not forced to upgrade edition, the user can cancel updates, original instinct to normal use, the user, the next time you start the app can still update message,

3) when the version is forced to upgrade edition, when given a user didn't update, after being forced to update from the client, the next time you start the app, there were forced to upgrade hint,

4) when the client has the new version, in the local don't delete the client's case, the update can check whether the normal update directly,

5) when the client has the new version, in local don't delete the client's case, check the updated client function is a new version of

6) when the client has the new version, in local don't delete the client's case, check whether or not the resource files such as images with the same update properly into the latest version, if the above cannot be updated, also belong to defect,

positioning, camera services

1) the App is useful to the camera, location-based services, the need to pay attention to system version difference

2) to locate useful service, camera, switch to Taiwan before and after the test, check whether the application is normal,

3) when there is no open location services, the use of location services, member's preferences pop-up whether to allow prompt, the establishment of when sure allow open position, can automatically jump to the positioning set open location services,

4) test location, camera, need to use real machine test,

time test

Client was able to set the phone's time zone, the time, so you need to check the Settings for the influence of the app,

- east China for 8, so when the mobile phone set the time the east eight area, see the need to display the time, whether to show the correct time, the application function is normal, usually need to according to the time server time again into a client corresponds to the time zone to display, it is better user experience, such as delivering a weibo in the server record is 10:00, at this point, Washington time 22:00, client to browse, if set, Washington's time, displays the published time 22:00 is, when the time set back east eight area, and then view is displayed for 10:00,

PUSH test

1) check whether the push message is according to the specified business rules to send

2) check will not receive a push message, check the user won't receive push.

3) if the user set a period of don't disturb, check in the don't disturb period, users receive less than PUSH,

In the period don't disturb, the user can normally receive a push,

4) when a push message is for the logged in user, need to check whether receive push and user identity, no other people mistakenly pushed to come over, in general, only on the last login user for message delivery,

5) test push, need to use real machine test,

2, crossing event test: also called the incident test
Refers to a function is executing process, at the same time another event or operation of the process interference testing, such as: App/before the background with the electricity, file ixaz, music to listen to key using the interaction of testing, etc., such as

If multiple App running at the same time affect normal function,
App/backstage before runtime switch whether affect the normal function,
Make/receive phone App runtime,
App runtime to send/receive information,
App runtime send/receive emails,
App running switch network (2 g/3 g/WIFI).
Browse the web App running,
App runtime send/receive data using bluetooth,
Use camera App runs, calculator above equipment,
App run-time plug charger,
Conflict cannot lead to perform interference software application is unusual, serious problems such as mobile phone crash or flower screen, also need to note the priority level of each cross event, see if system can according to the priority for processing in turn of events, not because of the implementation of priority level is high and lead to a lower priority events hanged, also has a mode switch in both English and Chinese mobile phone pay attention to the problem of the realization of the function of the switch after the mode of both in English and Chinese,

3, performance testing, evaluation of time and space characteristics of App

The limit test:
Under the condition of various boundary pressure, such as batteries, storage, network, etc., to test whether the App can correct response,

- memory is full install App

Power - run the App phone

- run the App disconnecting

Responsiveness testing:
Test the App in all kinds of operation whether meet the requirements of the user response time,

- App install, uninstall the response time of the

- App the influence of various functional operation time

Pressure test:
Whether repeated/long-term operation, the system resources occupied abnormalities,

- App install unloading repeatedly, see the system resources is normal

- the other functions operate repeatedly, see the system resources is normal

Performance evaluation:
Evaluation of typical user application scenarios, the usage of system resources,

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