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WeChat applet todo list how to delete the correct option


Good god, oneself programming zero base small white,
Recently looked at tencent WeChat small tutorial program at the university of learning to write a to-do list

On delete delete task link has a problem, the task of the default directed task index 0, not I want delete click index number,
Problems may appear in blue font program, troublesome everybody a great god help advice, thank you!

display area the following

WXML area is as follows:

WXJS area is as follows:

Page ({

/* * * the initial data of the page */
Data: {
Todo: "',//set add tasks the value of the
Todos: [],//set up the task collection

/* * * asynchronous cache storage function wx setStorageSync (' key, value), will this. Data. Todos deposit to the local cache todos */
The save: function () {
Wx. SetStorageSync (' todos' this. Data. Todos);

/* * * when the page displays, synchronous cache read function wx. GetStorageSync */
OnShow: function () {
Var orgList=wx. GetStorageSync (' todos');//retrieve todos key in the cache and saved to the var orglist
Enclosing setData ({
Todos: orgList original taskList endures the window//to be obtained. Todos as the initial listing

/* * * the user input task to replace the data in the todo */
InputTodo: function (e) {//bind WXML user input (quick add content)
Enclosing setData ({todo: e.d etail. Value});
The console. The log (this. Data. Todo)//print data. Todo

/* * * to the user input task record into the data collection of todos */
AddTodo: function (e) {
Var todosV=this. Data. Todos;//declare a local variable todosV for data. Todos array
Var todoV={content: this. Data. Todo, finished: false, id: + new Date ()};
//declare a local variable todoV - contents for the data. Todo new content (user), finish as the default false, the allocation is numeric id time
TodosV. Push (todoV);//to add todoV add todosV array
Enclosing setData ({
Todo: ' ',//the window. The todo to empty
Todos: todosV,//the window. Todos set to todosV

This. The save (); Window.//call the save () function to save window. Todos to localStorage
//getApp (.) writeHistory (todo, 'create' + new Date ());

/* * * delete task */
onItemRemove: function (e) {
Var index=e.c. with our fabrication: urrentTarget. Dataset. The index;
Var todosV=this. Data. Todos;
TodosV. Splice (index, 1);
Enclosing setData ({
Todos: todosV,


This. The save ();

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