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Why don't setData take the value?


//pages/goodsdetail goodsdetail. Js
Const app=getApp ()
Const db=wx. Cloud. The database ();

Page ({

Data: {
Id: ", "
GoodsDetailInfo: ""

/* *
* life cycle function - listening page load
OnLoad: function (options) {
Var that=this
//clicks from increasing
Const ins=the collection (' yk_product). Doc (options. Id)
Ins. Update ({
Data: {
Product_count: db.com mand. Inc (1)

//commodity data
Ins. Get ({

Success (res) {
The console. The log (res) data)
That the setData ({
GoodsDetailInfo: res. Data
The console. The log (" success ", res. Data)
The console. The log (" success ", goodsDetailInfo)




1, why the console goodsDetailInfo. Log out? Also not receive in WXML value,
The console. The log (res) data) can show the data,

Product_count: db.com mand. Inc (1) there was something wrong with this sentence? Why cloud database product_count (number) from growing?

CodePudding user response:


CodePudding user response:

First define the var that=this; Then the console. The log (" success ", goodsDetailInfo) this sentence you to the console. The log (" success ", that. Data. GoodsDetailInfo)
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