I need help with a scope in Rails.
I have the following postgresql query:
coalesce(esp.description, eng.description) Description
from games g
left join
(select game_id, description from details where locale = 'en-GB') eng
on g.id = eng.game_id
left join
(select game_id, description from details where locale = 'es-ES')
esp on g.id = esp.game_id
What it does basically is getting the names (from table 'games') and the description (from another table called 'details') of a game, if the description is not available in spanish, it takes it in english.
I leave here both tables:
Games |
id |
name |
Details |
locale |
description |
game_id |
You can test the query I mentioned before here with two premade games (one has spanish translation and the other doesn't): https://dbfiddle.uk/?rdbms=postgres_13&fiddle=381eb932e859dcfa9105d5d79a2c9c63
I would like to get the same result as a scope when retrieving the games in rails.
When I try:
scope :filter_by_description,
-> {
order("description, coalesce(currnt.locale, fallbck.locale) Locale FROM custom_apps c
LEFT JOIN (SELECT * FROM custom_app_details WHERE locale = 'de-DE') currnt on c.id = currnt.custom_app_id
LEFT JOIN (SELECT * FROM custom_app_details WHERE locale = 'en-GB') fallbck on c.id = fallbck.custom_app_id")
I just get the following error:
ActiveRecord::UnknownAttributeReference at /games
Query method called with non-attribute argument(s): "order("description, coalesce(currnt.locale, fallbck.locale) Locale FROM custom_apps c LEFT JOIN (SELECT * FROM custom_app_details WHERE locale = 'de-DE') currnt on c.id = currnt.custom_app_id LEFT JOIN (SELECT * FROM custom_app_details WHERE locale = 'en-GB') fallbck on c.id = fallbck.custom_app_id")"
CodePudding user response:
One way to do this is by two lateral subqueries:
class Game < ApplicationRecord
has_many :details
# Gets games with a localized description
# @param [String] preferred - the preferred locale for the description
# @param [String] fallback - the fallback locale for the description
# @return [ActiveRecord::Relation]
def self.with_localized_description(preferred: 'es-ES', fallback: 'en-GB')
# This is the subquery we want to run for each row on the games table
subquery = Detail.select(:description)
# Feel free to use whatever alias you want
'COALESCE(preferred_locale.description, fallback_locale.description) AS description'
.outer_lateral_joins(subquery.where(locale: preferred), name: 'preferred_locale')
.outer_lateral_joins(subquery.where(locale: fallback), name: 'fallback_locale')
# @param [Arel::SelectCore] - subquery
# @param [String] name - the alias used for this table
# @return [ActiveRecord::Relation]
def self.outer_lateral_joins(subquery, name: '')
# Rails doesn't have a decent way to write LEFT OUTER JOIN LATERAL - this is kind of hacky but works
joins("LEFT OUTER JOIN LATERAL (#{subquery.to_sql}) #{name} ON true")
The easiest way to describe this is that its like a SQL foreach loop. Each lateral join is telling Postgres to get a single row from the details table for each row on the games table.
Since this is a lateral join you can use preferred_locale
and fallback_locale
in the group, order or whatever clause you want just like if you were dealing with a column on the games table. Postgres also lets you use selected columns in the order clause.
For example:
ActiveRecord also makes any aliased columns in the select available as attributes on the records:
irb(main):047:0> mario = Game.with_localized_description.find_by(name: 'Mario Cart')
Game Load (0.5ms) SELECT "games".*, COALESCE(preferred_locale.description, fallback_locale.description) AS description FROM "games" LEFT OUTER JOIN LATERAL (SELECT * FROM "details" WHERE "details"."game_id" = "games"."id" AND "details"."locale" = 'es-ES' LIMIT 1) preferred_locale ON true LEFT OUTER JOIN LATERAL (SELECT * FROM "details" WHERE "details"."game_id" = "games"."id" AND "details"."locale" = 'en-GB' LIMIT 1) fallback_locale ON true WHERE "games"."name" = $1 LIMIT $2 [["name", "Mario Cart"], ["LIMIT", 1]]
irb(main):048:0> mario.description
=> "Un buen juego de carreras."
irb(main):049:0> Game.with_localized_description.order(:description)
Game Load (0.9ms) SELECT "games".*, COALESCE(preferred_locale.description, fallback_locale.description) AS description FROM "games" LEFT OUTER JOIN LATERAL (SELECT * FROM "details" WHERE "details"."game_id" = "games"."id" AND "details"."locale" = 'es-ES' LIMIT 1) preferred_locale ON true LEFT OUTER JOIN LATERAL (SELECT * FROM "details" WHERE "details"."game_id" = "games"."id" AND "details"."locale" = 'en-GB' LIMIT 1) fallback_locale ON true ORDER BY "description" ASC
id: 1,
name: "Mario Cart",
created_at: Wed, 23 Mar 2022 12:11:41.658592000 UTC 00:00,
updated_at: Wed, 23 Mar 2022 12:11:41.658592000 UTC 00:00>]
This method isn't written as a "scope" since the scope method is just syntactic sugar for writing class methods. Jamming this code into a lambda would just ruin the readibility of the code.