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Oracle SQL - query from one table with two conditions


I need to select data from a table by two conditions

I have four tables


tranid payed
123 yes
456 yes
789 no


tranid contractname amount currency accountid
123 finance 10 EUR 12345
123 card 8 USD 54321
456 finance 20 EUR 67890
456 card 16 USD 09876
789 finance 30 EUR 13579
789 card 24 USD 97531


accountid currencyid
12345 124
54321 978
67890 124
09876 840
13579 124
97531 826


currencyid currencyname
978 EUR
840 USD
826 GBP
124 CAD

I need to extract: tran id where payed = yes, amount where contract name = finance and account currency name where contact name = card

I have tried to make join with multiple select, but I always have error: ORA-01427: single-row subquery returns more than one row

select t.tranid,
   (select i.amount
    from tranid t
    inner join info i on t.tranid = i.tranid
    and t.payed = 'yes'
    and i.contractname = 'finance') as "Amount",
c.currencyname as "Account currency"
from tran t
inner join info i on t.tranid = i.tranid
inner join account a on i.accountid = a.accountid
inner join currency c on a.currencyid= c.currencyid
and t.payed = 'yes'
and i.contractname = 'card'

Result must be:

tranid Amount Account currency
123 10 EUR
456 20 USD

CodePudding user response:

The issue here is that your subquery is not correlated with your main query - it doesn't reference any of the outer query tables. If you run it by itself, you'll notice that it returns 2 rows.

select i.amount
from tranid t
inner join info i on t.tranid = i.tranid
and t.payed = 'yes'
and i.contractname = 'finance'

Also, when you reference the same table multiple times in a query, it's good practice to use different aliases for each one, so you can tell them apart.

Here's a relatively small change that should make your query work:

select t.tranid,
    (select i2.amount
    from info i2 
    where i2.tranid = i.tranid
    and i2.contractname = 'finance') as "Amount",
c.currencyname as "Account currency"
from tran t
inner join info i on t.tranid = i.tranid
inner join account a on i.accountid = a.accountid
inner join currency c on a.currencyid= c.currencyid
and t.payed = 'yes'
and i.contractname = 'card'

Although if it were me, I wouldn't use a subquery at all - I'd just join the info table twice.

select t.tranid,
    i2.amount as "Amount",
c.currencyname as "Account currency"
from tran t
inner join info i on t.tranid = i.tranid
    and i.contractname = 'card'
inner join info i2 on t.tranid = i2.tranid
    and i2.contractname = 'finance'
inner join account a on i.accountid = a.accountid
inner join currency c on a.currencyid= c.currencyid
and t.payed = 'yes'

I don't really understand your currency column in the info table, it doesn't seem to match up with the currency table. But I guess it's not relevant to the question.

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