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Angular custom validator always returns null


I have a form where the administrator can create a new user. I would like to validate the username field is unique. I have create a uniqueUserNameValidator however this function always returns null. I belive this happens beacouse the service is a async method. I need the result of the async before continuing I have tried to add a await bad this also creates weird problem. How can I fix this issues thank you for your help.

Here is where I want to use the validator

this.userService.getEmployeeById(this.employeeId).subscribe(result => {
        this.employee = result;
        this.employeeDetailForm = new FormGroup({
          userName: new FormControl(this.employee.userName, [Validators.required, this.uniqueUserNameValidator.bind(this)]) 

Here is my validator

      private uniqueUserNameValidator(control: FormControl): { [s: string]: boolean } {
        this.employee.userName = control.value;
        var userExists: boolean;
        this.userService.checkIfEmployeeUserNameExists(this.employee).subscribe(data => {
          userExists = data;
        if (userExists) {
          return { userExists: true };
        return null;

Here is the service in question

      checkIfEmployeeUserNameExists(employee: Employee) {
        return this.http.put<boolean>(this.baseUrl   'employees/isUserNameUnique', employee)

CodePudding user response:

As other users already pointed out in the comments, you should use an async validator to get the behavior that you want. When creating a new control, you can pass in validatorOrOpts as the second parameter. This allows you a finer control over the validators that you can set.

this.employeeDetailForm = new FormGroup({
  userName: new FormControl(this.employee.userName, {
    validators: [Validators.required],
    asyncValidators: [this.partnerCodeAvailabilityValidator.bind(this)]

The partnerCodeAvailabilityValidator should look like this:

private partnerCodeAvailabilityValidator(
  control: AbstractControl
): Observable<ValidationErrors | null> {
  this.employee.userName = control.value;
  return this.userService
    .pipe(map((data) => ({ userExists: data })));

Alternatively, you could build a directive and implement the AsyncValidator interface in case you want to use it with template driven forms.

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