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How to select the first row of a specific column in a list in R


I have the following code. Please see the explanation in ###. Data is two columns with Time and velocity at 10Hz sampling rate

Time velocity
0.0000000 0.3444447
0.0099998 0.3444447
0.0200003 0.3444447
0.0300001 0.3444447
0.0399999 0.3444447
0.0499997 0.3444447
0.0600002 0.3444447
0.0700000 0.3444447
0.0799998 0.3444447
0.0900003 0.3444447
0.1000001 0.3444447
0.1099999 0.3444447
0.1199997 0.3444447
0.1300002 0.3444447
0.1400000 0.3444447
0.1499998 0.3444447
0.1600003 0.3444447
0.1700001 0.3444447
0.1799999 0.3444447
0.1899997 0.4416670
0.2000002 0.4416670
0.2100000 0.4416670
0.2199998 0.4416670
0.2300003 0.4416670
0.2400001 0.6222227
0.2499999 0.6222227
0.2599997 0.6222227

... and so on

#create interval 
  breaks=seq(from, to, by=0.2)
  #function to select values in each interval and create a list, I am trying to find the highest velocity value in each interval of time BUT only IF it is greater than the value in the previous time interval 
  interval <- lapply(1:(length(breaks)-1L), function(i) {
    x <- subset(sprint1, Time >= breaks[i] & Time <= breaks[i 1L])
    x[x$velocity == max(x$velocity[1]), ]
  #function to round values to two decimal places
  r <- function(x) format(round(x, 2), nsmall = 2L)
  #assign names to each element of interval
  for(i in seq_along(interval)) {
    names(interval)[i] <- paste0(r(breaks[i]), '-', r(breaks[i 1L]))
  interval ##output

You can create dataset with Time and velocity.

CodePudding user response:

I don't think you need a list or loop. Here's my suggestion, based on my understanding of your issue:

First, define your intervals based on breaks using cut():


# Define breaks for intervals ("groups")
breaks <- seq(0, 0.28, by = 0.02)

# Group data using breaks
dat$interval <- cut(dat$Time, breaks = breaks, right = FALSE, labels = FALSE)

Now use dplyr to manipulate your data based on your condition: "find the highest velocity value in each interval of time BUT only IF it is greater than the value in the previous time interval."

dat2 <- dat %>%
  # For each group, as defined by an interval
  group_by(interval) %>%
  # Get the maximum velocity value
  mutate(interval_max = max(velocity)) %>%
  # Now ungroup and iterate across rows
  ungroup %>%
  # If the previous value is greater than the current value,
  # keep the previous value, if not, keep the current value
  mutate(interval_max_cond = ifelse(
                                 lag(interval_max) > interval_max,

Let me know if you have any questions!


dat <- structure(list(Time = c(0, 0.0099998, 0.0200003, 0.0300001, 0.0399999, 
0.0499997, 0.0600002, 0.07, 0.0799998, 0.0900003, 0.1000001, 
0.1099999, 0.1199997, 0.1300002, 0.14, 0.1499998, 0.1600003, 
0.1700001, 0.1799999, 0.1899997, 0.2000002, 0.21, 0.2199998, 
0.2300003, 0.2400001, 0.2499999, 0.2599997), velocity = c(0.3444447, 
0.3444447, 0.3444447, 0.3444447, 0.3444447, 0.3444447, 0.3444447, 
0.3444447, 0.3444447, 0.3444447, 0.3444447, 0.3444447, 0.3444447, 
0.3444447, 0.3444447, 0.3444447, 0.3444447, 0.3444447, 0.3444447, 
0.441667, 0.441667, 0.441667, 0.441667, 0.441667, 0.6222227, 
0.6222227, 0.6222227)), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, 
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